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Share Your Experience To Support New Members

calm. reliable. trustworthy.


It’s taken me years to get to a point where I could get myself off my antidepressants — they saved my life, I’m not at all against pharmaceuticals! — At this point in my life, I felt that I needed something more profound and felt called to try microdosing. I spent hours reading and researching providers and SoulCybin came recommended. I chose to utilize their offerings because they felt to me like the calmest and that felt trustworthy and reliable, which isn’t a minor consideration. I didn’t want hip or cool, I wanted someone I could trust. The demeanor of the organization has been consistently calm and reliable and that permeates every interaction with them. It matters because I think it absolutely contributes to my experience with their offerings and how microdosing has helped me.

It is still hard work but any personal growth involves hard work. But SoulCybin will make you feel supported in that work, and that isn’t trivial.

April 15, 2024

Ceremonial chocolates


I love how they affect me and open my mind to becoming more aware and freer of obsessive thoughts, which frees me more from suffering. I have had healthier moods with less depression and anxiety

Jerrold Fields
April 11, 2024

Ceremonial Chocolate – A key to many locked doors


I’ve had two experiences with these ceremonial chocolates now, and plan to have more going forward. This is truly a luxury service that Soulcybin provides; thoughtfully crafted and portioned ingredients lovingly mixed with intention as a special ingredient, essentially blessing these chocolates and call me crazy but I swear I feel it during my experience. Unlike taking 2.5 grams of mushrooms on their own or taking many microdose pills to add up to 2.5 grams, this experience is specially crafted to a proper dosage to not be too overwhelming. My latest experience was so filled with lessons as I sat in my room, walked around the house, went into the bathroom and looked at the mirror, then cleaned my bathroom sink and toilet enjoying every moment of it and feeling like I just understood everything, all is as it should be, my connection to myself emboldened by the energetic pathways opened by this marvelous mixture of ingredients with psilocybin. I couldn’t be more impressed and grateful with these chocolates, they allowed me to ponder life and this reality from such an importantly altered point of view it’s absolutely phenomenal. One of my latest realizations was just a revelry in the place we have as humans in this universe, that we love one another, just like any other mammalian creature, but we have so much power with our love to create, to change lives human or otherwise for the better. To love is to be human truly, and this experience helped me see more completely that truth, and revitalize, reintroduce my heart and mind, and soul to being like that, like I used to be before my soul got all mucked up by my folly or others even. I will always regard this as one of the important stepping stones in my life and couldn’t recommend more highly someone to experience this at the right time in their life, and any feelings one might have of discomfort, just know that just as important to experience as the good feelings, and you will return to self again once it’s worn off, just with a little more knowledge and love of yourself. Bless you all with love of humanity.

April 10, 2024

It works


I have more energy, less anxiety, and more joy since I began microdosing with SoulCybin. Also, SoulCybin’ has better quality and more effective medicine than other mushroom suppliers.

Andrew K
April 10, 2024

Less Reactive and Lighter


I had never tried out anything overtly psychedelic before in my life, yet I had been feeling increasingly called to work with psilocybin mushrooms over the past few years. I’m very familiar with other medicinal mushrooms, and the lines between the different categories of mushrooms have become less rigid to me, as I think, all mushrooms have the potential to be somewhat psychedelic in their own way. I really enjoy combining the inner peace capsules with lion’s mane extract, and I noticed a brightening of the colors, and sounds around me in a really beautiful way, along with a lightning in the cloud that often sits over my mind. I also feel as though I have been beginning to experience what it is like to be a little bit less reactive as a mother. And for this, I am very thankful and I look forward to continuing to work with these mushrooms going forward.

April 2, 2024

How Can I Express This in Words…


I’m not sure I can find the language to describe the positive change in my mental health these benefits have had… I felt desperate for a long time for relief, but I’m self-employed and don’t currently have access to insurance or mental health resources like therapy and medication. The member benefits from SoulCybin have provided the relief and healing I’ve needed that other resources couldn’t.

March 25, 2024

Truly a Medicine for the Mind


Microdosing psilocybin for the past month has been a very transformative experience. I came in with an open mind and was not disappointed in the least. I encourage anyone struggling with their mental health to look into it here at SoulCybin and see if it will work for you.

March 25, 2024



I have thought about micro dosing for a while now & I am so happy I found this site!
First I tried the sample pack, then i got the duo.
Try them out, great company!

March 19, 2024

Love this Company


As the title says, I love this company and its products. Overall, it has been a journey of self-improvement, growth, and healing ever since I discovered and tried these products. I will preface this by saying you cannot heal if you aren’t trying to. I was able to quit alcohol and get my addictive personality and depression under control.
I’ve tried the full range to see how each blend would affect me. For me, brain booster and inner peace are the blends that help me calm and focus. Adaptogen is hit or miss for me, at times my mind wanders to interesting places.
All I can say is I found my medicine. I cannot thank the people who dedicated themselves to this company’s mission.

March 29, 2024

Smooth and focused


My partner and I do microdosing together and choose between 100 and 200 mg per session. We enjoy the soft, warm connection to nature and the present moment while feeling truly ourselves. Connection to LIFE and focus improves in a clear and joyful way.

March 13, 2024

Life Changing


The first thing I noticed was the peace that has come into my life. I have never felt so present in everyday things. My mind feels sharpened and whole. My workouts have been better, my studies have been better, and everyday life has drastically improved.

March 11, 2024

This is legitimate.


I’ve been cautious with what I put into my body. Far too often there are malicious scammers who just want to make a dollar and provide inferior, fake, or sometimes dangerous products. I’m happy to say SoulCybin offers a multitude of legitimate products that have helped me on my spiritual journey. The idea of microdosing made me apprehensive at first, but SoulCybin’s careful curation and instructions made it that much easier. It’s also great to know that they disclose their ingredients, which is VERY important. The Ceremonial Chocolate was life-changing. All I can say is that I went very deep into my consciousness and received incredible insight. When they are available, do yourself a favor and grab them before they sell out. The ceremonial dose, allowed me to go even further allowing me to take as much or as little as I need for a controlled dosage. Needless to say, I felt safe and had no side effects besides the feelings of deep introspective and limitless appreciation for myself and genuine love–and good sleep afterward! No longer are we limited by the unknown, unknowns. These medicines (as that’s what they are), connect us to the plant kingdoms and allow us to traverse the fringes of our mind and beyond, without any negative side-effects. Very much recommended.

February 13, 2024

A medicine uniquely poised for spiritual healing


Before partaking in microdosing or the ceremonial chocolate from Soulcybin I was determined to continue despite the internal struggles I was experiencing, believing that each day would ultimately bring me closer to peace, closer to being more like I was as a child, more easygoing. And without it, I still believe I could make it to that peace, by reconciling the things in my life which my heart was stunned by; but this medicine has sped that along. What it does is akin to lifting your gaze up from always looking down at the ground, at the tracks you’re always making, it causes you to look up at the reality of what’s going on, it both grounds you and expands your vision. Details of your soul’s whims which your conscious mind seemed to ignore are more readily seen. Just be careful, it can be uncomfortable sometimes but that’s how you know it’s working, you have to accept uncomfortable truths to truly grow. Soulcybin does not just provide medicine, it downloads love into each product that is easily felt, the chocolate was an extraordinary experience because of that, not as intense as I expected it, and with a much more loving feeling than an ordinary experience with psilocybin. Love permeated the entirety of my inner world so much so that hurt fear and anger were pushed out of my heart like air leaving a balloon and I watched and felt it all, all while love massaged it and sent it on its way. Anyway, I really must end this review, so to close, anyone who’s serious about making a change for themselves and who really needs help along the way, this is at least worth considering, just give it the proper respect it deserves, it’s not just for fun.

Anthony LaTeano
February 12, 2024

Great results


After being a heavy drinker for 20 years I have found Soulcybin is helping me quit alcohol. Thank you

Robert P Thoms
February 11, 2024

Time and Patience are worth the Rewards gained


I started in Nov 2023 with 200mg Inner Peace “The Awakening”.
Then Jan & Feb 2024 I increased the Inner Peace to 250mg.

I’ve tried 5 days on, then 2 days off in my initial micro-dosing.
I’m currently trying the every other day in micro-dosing.

It’s taken 3 months to start to feel the effect.
But like anything else that is natural and holistic it takes at “least” 3 months before beneficial effects start to appear.

I am starting to feel so much more calm, centered, and at peace.

I stopped ALL pharmaceuticals in 2017 as they darn near killed me, doing nothing more than making me sicker ON TOP of the side effects of each RX.
I started using medical cannabis: both THC as well as CBD.
Those “kinda” helped on some days, and not so much on other days. But it was far better than taking harmful toxic chemicals that pharma passes out like M&M’s.

My Occipital and Trigeminal Neuralgias are starting to reduce in severity and frequency.
The severe nausea and violent vomiting that would last a good 12+ hours, where I couldn’t even keep water down, has become far less frequent.
I don’t have to lose 24=72 hours per episode bedridden in extreme pain anymore.
Combining the Inner Peace with a Meditation Practice I’ve been engaging in daily for the past couple of years has been phenomenal.

I can see why the big pharma (with the FDA/CDC doing their bidding) has made this “illegal” because it’s competition to them as they are NOT in the business to make people better because their methods do NOT cure NOR give a good quality of life to people.
PLUS this medicine offered on SoulCybin actually HELPS people FEEL BETTER while being much more natural and organic!

I highly recommend the Inner Peace 250mg for severe chronic debilitating neurological pain.
It’s made a world of difference to me.

February 9, 2024

Feeling more like my true self


I have been using SoulCybin in a microdosing capacity since the summer of 2023. I feel more like my true, younger self before life heaped on all the trauma. I feel freer and happier. I still have a ways to go, but I’m happy with my emotional healing journey thus far. I am very very grateful for this medicine. It has helped in a way that traditional therapy, and even talking with the girls has not been able to do.

February 3, 2024

What a gift


I have been microdosing for over a year and it’s been such a great tool that contributed to my growth. Going through a massive shift in my life was too much, and I’m grateful I had this kind of support along the journey. I have a greater level of consciousness, compassion, and calmness. I have shared this medicine with my loved ones, and they love it.

February 2, 2024



I have been around psychedelics in the past for recreational healing use. What I love about SoulCybin, is their mission, honesty, and also providing us the availability of this healing medicine.
The plant and spirit teacher that they provide is blessed with prayers and intentions, and this has been everything transformational for me so far. I love the sample pack they have for new members, too. That helped me try different kinds and pick which one specific I liked.
The fact that this is available and the trust in quality and intention with the benefits are amazing.
Your deepest part of yourself, spirit will thank you.

February 1, 2024

Healing peaceful


Only after a month short of microdosing , I feel my healing has started! I am fighting cancer for the 4th time, spread and stage 4.
The peace and happiness, the new connections, and the openness of heart to hear them tell you things are incredibly unbelievable.
My body is responding and bad cells are going to sleep forever.
This is the piece of the puzzle, I needed; in addition to veganism, meditation, yoga, western medicine, and more, the universe is healing me.

January 18, 2024

A Soul Rejoicing: Closer to the Divine Than Ever


First of all, thank you SoulCybin!

Your offerings have helped my spiritual evolution tremendously. 🙏

God sent you into my life at a time when He needed to speed up my spiritual growth and now I’ve never been closer to God. ❤️

I’ve had the most amazing revelations and I am super excited about what the future holds for humanity!!

As part of my testimonial, I want to write a few words to help visitors who might be on the fence about buying.

Dear visitor, I will address three concerns you may have:

1. Is the product real?

Absolutely. I have ordered several bottles already. I started microdosing with a higher dose, and could actually feel the effects, so I went down to 50mg doses.

2. Will it improve your life?

Yes, but only if you come into this with the right intention. These plants have a purpose, and it is to help heal us individually and as a collective, and to awaken us to our true, divine nature.

3. I am Christian / Muslim / etc, is this okay?

I am Christian too, and this verse is all I need:

“It is not what goes into the mouth of a man that makes him unclean and defiled, but what comes out of the mouth; this makes a man unclean and defiles [him].” Matthew 15:11-20

Treat it as a sacred offering, and know that it is God (Christ Consciousness, The Universe, Great Spirit, etc.) who is in absolute control, and if the offering made it to your hands, it was divinely orchestrated.

So, don’t let fear stop you.

SoulCybin is the real deal.

Much Love,

January 5, 2024

Thank you SoulCybin!


I’m so grateful to have found you SoulCybin!
You guys are a godsend in world in a world that is filled with so much bias and ignorance towards the healing power of this sacred medicine. I believe this is changing though slowly but surely with folks like you and the Jedi masters of the mycology world like Paul Stamets, James Fadiman and so many others. It’s a great time to be alive to witness the reemergence of this ancient medicine become embraced by the mainstream once again!
It’s a shame big pharma and unjust policies have let our society become so sick but with the help of SoulCybin and others my faith has been restored. I am a recovering alcoholic and I have tried just about everything and nothing has helped me more in a positive way than microdosing mushrooms. I’m a big fan of the Five Masters, Brain Booster and Adaptogen blend. The Adaptogen blend was definitely one of more powerful microdoses I’ve tried. Whoever created this magic synergistic blend deserves a microdosing award if there ever was one! Wow!
Also the gummies are amazing! The first time I tried one it really tugged on my heartstrings and I thought to myself after, that was it… that was the perfect microdose! I could feel the love infused in it! I can’t say enough good things about you guys.
The customer service has been great and the fact that you guys send stickers and a crystal in each package is so sweet. It might seem silly to some but it’s the little things in life and the intentions behind it that really matter.
I highly recommend SoulCybin!
They are the real deal! Much love!

December 29, 2023

This product can transform your life


Both microdosing and macrodosing are extremely beneficial to people struggling with mental health.
I find taking a large dose with microdosing capsules easy to control the quantity of what I am consuming and has provided some profound experiences that have left me feeling like there is so much hope in this world.

December 25, 2023

A great experience


I’m so thankful to find a group that provides access to these inspirational supplements. The quality is great and consistent and deliveries are timely.

December 18, 2023

Inner Peace


I have been using Inner Peace a few times a week for a couple of months now. It has been very beneficial for my mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. I am less stressed, eating better, meditating more, and am distinctly more optimistic about life!

December 15, 2023



It’s amazing to get access to these medicines this way. I’ve had nothing but positive, insightful experiences because of SoulCybin 🙂 I always recommend them to friends!

December 8, 2023

The best teacher you need to get started


I can not state this enough. My life has changed for the better in so many ways spiritually, physically and mentally. It’s all thanks to the products from this site.

The knowledge stored in you is more potent then trying to learn from the outside in

Thank you soulcybin for your services

Derek Potter
December 8, 2023

Microdoing cured my anxiety


I’ve never tried any sort of mind or body altering drug before trying microdosing. Needless to say, I was nervous but I went into it with an open mind. Since beginning my journey about 3 months ago I can honestly say I’ve never been in a healthier place in my life. I struggled with severe social and general anxiety but never wanted to take medications for it. Instead, I committed to doing microdosing. I use the 100mg every other day or for 5 days on 2 days off. I supplement with taking multiple 400mg once a month for a truly life altering experience to know myself better. I can now say that I don’t struggle with anxiety and if the feeling do begin to pop up I can recognize them and deal with it before they effect me. Before trying microdosing, if anxiety started to creep in, my day would be consumed by it. Now I’m able to run my business with my heart and to the best of my ability which means I’m able to have a positive impact on my clients lives as well. I can’t speak highly enough of how important these life changing capsules are.

December 6, 2023

Saved my life


I’ll be collecting my one-year sobriety chip from alcohol this month, and these products were the pivotal ingredient in my recovery. I could not stop drinking. I’d been to multiple rehabs and had to detox in hospitals too many times to count. I couldn’t stop. It was lunacy. I poured everything into AA for two years, and when I was still experiencing this obsession and relapsing, I turned to this plant medicine. I used a journal, read spiritual meditations, and acknowledged my intentions on dose days. I tried to do my part. I also did one ceremony. After about two months, the obsession to drink had faded enough that I was shopping by myself regularly again. I couldn’t trust myself to do that before. It is a MIRACLE. Since then, I’ve read that this has helped others with OCD habits. This experience has not been all rainbows and butterflies. I’ve learned that change can be painful because I have to confront past trauma and lies I believed about life and myself. It’s like peeling off all the muck that is built up. I still have a long way to go, but I am eternally grateful. Thank you for the good work you all do. Whew, it brings tears to my eyes just writing this. It was 13 years of struggle before I found this. Just incredible. Thank you, thank you.

December 5, 2023

Great improvements!


I have been working and using SoulCybin products for the past two months now and starting these products I have seen dramatic results in my everyday life. I suffer from BPD so I can not regulate my emotions on a regular level I react then think but while using this product I have already seen that I can think and then react. It has made my relationships better and always improving as well! This is the best thing I have ever tried for my BPD and my overall health and wellness. I would absolutely recommend this product for people who have tried many things and haven’t seen real results.

December 5, 2023

Microdosing to unlock capabilities


I recreationally participate in endurance sports such as running and biking. As many coaches will tell you; your biggest limitation is your own mind, as the body can endure more than you think.
Dosing a single capsule near the beginning of a race allows an opening of my mind during the race about when I start fatiguing and start to question my commitment to finishing. This allows me to look beyond the physical discomfort and enjoy the pleasure of the participation in the event whether that is biking on the mountain or running a course.
It does not cause me to go beyond my personal fitness limitations but it does allow me to stretch those limits thereby increasing my fitness level along the way. I encourage adult athletes to try this method of stretching their limits normally introduced by their minds.

December 5, 2023

Inner Peace has been a Game Changer


I have ADHD and I’ve been on several different types of medications to help control it. Unfortunately for me – the prescription medicines were giving me tremors. A friend suggested I try micro-dosing for my ADHD and it has been a game changer. Not only are my ADHD symptoms better controlled without any side effects but Inner Peace has surprisingly also drastically improved my sexual desire and sexual satisfaction. I had no idea micro-dosing could do this. Before, my ADHD would make sexual activities overstimulating and I had a hard time concentrating. But with Inner Peace, I feel like a new woman. Gone are the overstimulated irritable feelings and in its place is just pure desire and an openness that I’ve never had before. My life is so much better now, my ADHD is controlled and I’m enjoying this sexual revolution.

December 4, 2023



There have been a lot of mixed reviews regarding the effects of microdosing, but I am honestly grateful for the opportunity that every pill provides me. I just feel like I am gradually becoming a better version of myself.

December 1, 2023

If you don’t like antidepressants — read this!


Microdosing has been a game-changer for me. It has brought back my child-like interests, passions, and love for the world. I feel like I was on autopilot for so long and now I truly stop to smell the roses. When I’d expressed these feelings along with feelings of depression and anxiety to my doctors, the answer was always SSRIs. Or some form of antidepressant. I didn’t like the way they made me feel, which was numb. Along with a list of other ways it affected me. Microdosing has helped me overcome many things and would choose it over an antidepressant any day.

November 27, 2023

Life changing


I began microdosing a month ago and I already see the subtle benefits. I have suffered from anxiety and depression for almost 20 years and therapy, medication, etc didn’t work. Using the Syrian rue with the Inner Peace Blend enhances it greatly as well. Thank you Soulcybin. Thank you for changing my life and therefore, my future. I’ll be a member for years to come!

November 27, 2023

Celebrating a Year of Transformation: My Journey with Microdosing SoulCybin


Initially skeptical about the potential of microdosing to alleviate suffering and enhance one’s ability to cope with life’s challenges, I embarked on this journey a year ago with a significant dose of doubt. I questioned whether PsiloCybin could truly offer an escape from the mental anguish I was enduring. Up until that point, my life had been exceptionally pleasant and successful. I enjoyed good health, financial stability, and strong family relationships. My career was thriving, and my life seemed like something others would envy. I was in excellent health, with savings that promised a comfortable retirement.

However, out of nowhere, a metaphorical meteor struck, poisoning the environment of my life, and everything I held dear seemed to wither away. I was left feeling lost, unable to discern a way forward. No matter what I tried—whether it was turning to alcohol, binge-watching Netflix, hiking, traveling, working excessively, seeking therapy, taking medication, meditating, attending spiritual gatherings, or practicing yoga—nothing could provide the peace of mind that had been obliterated by the hurricane of relentless turmoil.

With caution and meticulous note-taking, I cautiously began my journey into microdosing. I experimented with small doses, following the guidance and instructions provided, resisting the urge to rush or make abrupt changes. I had read other reviews on this forum, which emphasized the importance of proceeding slowly and maintaining patience when harnessing the power of this divine plant.

When I began to feel more stable and resilient, I took intermittent breaks from microdosing. While I briefly explored the use of ceremonial chocolates and occasionally experimented with higher doses, I ultimately found that the slow and steady approach of microdosing yielded the most significant benefits. After a year of this journey, I can confidently assert that microdosing is not addictive and does not produce adverse side effects, as long as you avoid developing a habit of using excessive doses. Striking the right balance between discipline and self-medication is crucial, especially if you embark on this path without expert guidance or fellow travelers to assist you. You become your own guide, so exercise caution.

Undoubtedly, this divine plant has the potential to bring about a sense of peace and joy that transcends material possessions, income, relationships, or spending power. Simultaneously, you come to realize that life is truly fulfilling when lived to its fullest, embracing both the highs and lows with a newfound sense of strength and acceptance, the realization that “this is what it is,” and that everything, including your challenges, is part of the journey.

In conclusion, my advice to fellow travelers would be as follows: First, carefully read and adhere to the instructions provided. Second, resist the urge to rush; this is not a race toward enlightenment or instant peace. Third, cultivate patience as it is the key to success in microdosing, and maintain a consistent schedule. Fourth, once you feel back on track, understand that there is no promised land to reach; you can find joy and contentment even in the midst of life’s challenges.

In my prayers, I wish for the happiness and liberation of all, the recognition of goodness in all things, and the absence of suffering for anyone.

Asp Dave
November 27, 2023

My experience


I have tried three other vendors, and Soulcybin products (for me) have been the best. Soulcybin is my only vendor from now on. I love the variety of strains and all the different milligrams. I have found an awesome balance! I can’t say enough. Thank you so much, Soulcybin


November 19, 2023

Beautiful and Impactful


What an experience! It was like stepping into another universe, full of vibrant colors and pulsating energy. The beauty was overwhelming, it felt like my soul was being painted with joy. This is not just a moment, it’s a memory etched into the canvas of my heart. Truly transformative and absolutely unforgettable. I can’t wait to dive back into this psychedelic wonderland again! 🕊

November 18, 2023



I’ve been going through SoulCybin for a couple of years now, and I’ve tried many of their products of which I’ve never been disappointed in any of them. Even though psilocybin is becoming more readily available I’ll continue to go through SoulCybin as they offer the utmost respect for customers and have outstanding customer support. They go the extra mile when others just wanna make a profit.

November 17, 2023

Calm, observant, receptive


I have been taking the 100mg gummies occasionally for a couple of months now, and have been pleased with the way they smooth out my experience without coloring it. It’s subtle, but that’s the point. If I’m busy, I don’t notice the effects at all, but upon reflection, I can tell that I have been calmer and more engaged with whatever I have been doing. There’s a notable absence of negative self-talk or insecurity. If I take them before what would otherwise be a stressful situation, I don’t feel as stressed. The most interesting part is the cumulative effect that microdosing seems to create: I feel more centered, more resilient, and more tolerant overall.

November 7, 2023

Just amazing customer service!


I have not had a single bad experience when ordering the various products which I have tried through this spiritual foundation. If this is like what the world on ‘shrooms would be like, PLEASE can we have that?! Really just the nicest people every single time no matter who I get.

The only downside is that apparently — like a small portion of the population — my brain receptors do not work with psilocybin. I have the same issue with THC, unfortunately, so it’s a bummer. I have to say, though, I continue ordering for friends and encouraging others to sign up, because I believe in the product so very much after doing mountains of research, and also like I said, even without being a self-using donor, the customer service is worth returning for: it’s just that good!

Wendy .
November 6, 2023



The SoulCybin benefits have been transformative for me. Fear and anxiety have run my life. Finally, in my late 40s, I made a decision to change. SoulCybin has been a central part of that change. I’ve been in talk therapy for many years, but not until I discovered the benefits of microdosing have I been able to begin to fully understand and release the fear I’ve been struggling with (often subconsciously) since I was a child. Microdosing has been a truly life-changing choice.

November 5, 2023

Just happiness!


I’ve been a member since February and have used a number of different benefits. All have been great for more introspection and understanding my perceptions. I have been more focused, patient, and generally happy. My microdosing days are just straight-up good, happy days. Really happy that I tried SoulCybin and their customer service is fantastic. They are always super responsive and I’ve never had any issues or complaints.

November 5, 2023

Completely wrong


When I first tried microdosing I was completely against it and did not believe any of the pros I had heard about… until I started. Now I try and share my change and experiences with everyone who has a similar view. It’s been a game changer and as a Navy Vet who suffers from PTSD, this has seriously been a lifesaver!! Give it a try and find out for yourself! Happening traveling!!

October 28, 2023

Gentle and Kind


It’s hard to believe it’s been a month already from my journey with your ceremonial chocolates. My girlfriend suggested we do a ceremony before we start microdosing. I was so in, as I do have experience with such ceremonies. The chocolates were delicious and easy to eat. Yet, they were so gentle and kind to my soul. They held me, cradled me, and supported my tears throughout. Your playlist was profound and fully supported my journey as well. So, I began microdosing two days later, and I still now, feel the love and support from this medicine. I am on 250 mg, 5 days on, 2 days off. My intention here is to slow down and allow my body to release holding and tension. As well as, finding focus and clarity in the women’s work that I am stepping into. At times I do feel a little edgy. That’s when I go to my breath and thank the medicine for showing up and allowing me to shift the anxiety into releasing what no longer serves me. I have finished my text for my new website, yay. I have a clean house and my body is letting go, slowly, yet noticeable. I sit in gratitude for your offerings and this medicine and am looking forward to my next journey with these chocolates. Perhaps in Sedona next month. In Love and Light, Crozier from Montana.

Kris Crozier
October 27, 2023

The Absolute Best Way To Enhance Retirement


Being a retired military and government worker (U.S.), my stress levels, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other ‘isms’ were kicking my butt. Then I read about how microdosing could help.

SoulCybin has been really honest, trustworthy, supportive, and kind. I feel safe in my transactions and my experiences have been nothing less than transformative.

As an older person, I have some cognitive issues and microdosing has really helped with that. I also have incredible walks down long distant memory lanes. Sometimes a scent or a picture will suddenly bring forward something I had experienced as a child; a memory I have not accessed in many many decades.

The memories are full on; sounds, smells, textures – it is all there.

And, my anxiety and PTSD are much much better. Depression, what is that?

So very grateful to have found SoulCybin when I did; as a government employee I would not have been microdosing.

Angela J
October 25, 2023

The best way to uplevel


I have been on my spiritual awakening/personal development journey for going on 6 years now and for the past 2 years I’ve really felt like I’d plateaued in my progress. Now I understand this journey has ebbs and flows of advancement followed by integration, so I gave myself plenty of space for that before I started seeking out medicinal resources as the next step. Because I was in a place of not forcing continued growth, but allowing whatever spoke to me the loudest to come forward to assist me, I literally stumbled across SoulCybin and its medicinal offerings and I immediately dove into their resources to learn all about how I can utilize this amazing medicine to advance in my growth. I felt sure that the dose I selected was exactly what I needed after using their dosage guide and I have found that it is quite accurate, even for someone who doesn’t “do drugs” and may be considered a “lightweight “like myself. I have been using SoulCybin products for almost 6 months now and I am so pleased with the quality and service that I will continue using them as my only source of psilocybin products as long as I am using them. Thank you SoulCybin for providing superior benefits that enhance my spiritual and personal development journey!! 🙏

Jennifer Kelly
October 23, 2023

I had a great experience


I had a great experience with micro-dosing on chocolates; not only were they delicious, but they also provided a balanced high that enhanced my night without overwhelming it. Overall, it was a positive way to integrate a mild, pleasant elevation into my evening, combining the joy of indulging in chocolate with the benefits of micro-dosing.

February 25, 2024

A lifeboat


I’ve been on half a dozen different antidepressants in my life, and microdosing psilocybin has proven to be more effective than any of them. MD doesn’t only turn down the dial on reactivity, but unlike Ssris, it allows the possibility of actually feeling strong positive emotions as well (SSRIs, while tuning out extreme negative emotions, also flattens my experience and I miss out on the good feelings). I’ve used it for seven months, settled at 100mg every three days, and it’s brought so much hope and calm in the midst of the pandemic and my own personal chaos… a little lifeboat of peace.

October 23, 2023

Blessed and refreshed


I have recently again got some honey for some traveling into myself a bit deeper and once again come out the other side feeling truly blessed and refreshed with a renewed zest for the intricacies of life.

Gabriel C
October 22, 2023

Chronic Pain and PTSD


I’ve been suffering from chronic pain, PTSD along with anxiety and depression. Microdosing has saved me. My anxiety and depression symptoms are significantly reduced. I tried all sorts of prescription medications for both. These produced no results. Since starting microdosing with Soucybin products I’ve experienced huge results. I’ve been more active and socially engaged. Found my family and friends again. Enjoying life again!!

Darin Dauenhauer
October 21, 2023

Life changing


Thank you SoulCybin for creating that wonderful ceremony on 10/8! I used the ceremonial chocolate and had a profound experience. Definitely changed my headset! I have been microdosing for several months before discovering your products and I really like your Inner Peace for microdosing. I have multiple autoimmune and other health issues which give me a lot of pain and the worst headaches/migraines. I found if I used about 350-450 mg that I had a distinct reduction in headache pain and an overall reduction in body pain while microdosing. Aside from giving me some much-needed clarity in my state of constant brain fog. You wouldn’t believe the number of medications I have been given that do nothing but give side effects. Anyway, thanks so much for doing what you do!!!

October 19, 2023

Healed from the Inside Out


I have struggled with anxiety and depression for years, and have been on multiple medications. I started microdosing about 5 months ago, and I immediately noticed a difference. Over time, I noticed I had become much more calm and level headed. It was a progressive experience, it did not happen overnight. I will continue to microdose until it is no longer recommended due to all the benefits I am getting in my day-to-day life. I am so grateful this was recommended to me.

October 14, 2023



Soulcybin has both provided excellent products and services. Their products have been instrumental in my journey of healing and higher consciousness. Their service is exceptional from great and personalized communication to guidance and shared wisdom. I am grateful for the products and they have been a pleasure to work with. I highly recommend Soulcybin.

October 13, 2023

Very Beneficial for Depression


Since micro-dosing, I’ve been able to DECREASE some of my other anti-depressant meds!
It’s a game-changer for sure. Things are just a bit brighter and certainly joyful.

October 10, 2023

The Menopause


So I have crazy hot flashes (runs in my family). In doing research I found that Lions Mane was really good for that, but I hate the taste of mushrooms. I get the blends with lions mane. (Brain Booster, Five masters) and no joke within half an hour my mood and hot flashes are all better. I go through a microdosing protocol every three months and it’s a lifesaver.

October 9, 2023

Ceremonial chocolates


These ceremonial chocolates gave me a profound journey into the deeper paths and workings of life. I really came away from my journey renewed and refreshed.

October 6, 2023

Excellent service and product quality


As of today, I am starting on my second 30-capsule bottle of “The Awakening”. I am undertaking microdosing with the intent to help with treatment-resistant major depressive disorder. Instead of trying any of the blends, containing other kinds of mushrooms, I wanted my product to contain only psilocybin. It is difficult for me to say how much benefit I am getting, as my reading indicates results typically take 2 or 3, even up to 6 months. With that said, my interpretation is that the product is real quality: 350mg of The Awakening is strong enough for me to feel it, and have some visual distortion. So, I’m having to decrease the dosage down to at least 1/2 of that or less. By way of recommendation to those who are not frequent users, start with a lower dose and work up from there as you feel the need.

October 6, 2023

Changed Life


I have struggled with depression, anxiety, and anorexia for as long as I can remember. After just one week on the microdose, I noticed something in me was changing but couldn’t figure out why I was not as panicked as I normally am. My nerves feel like they were able to rest for the first time. It has been an amazing experience, as I keep noticing small changes in the way I think as well. I will be continuing to use them to see what other benefits are possible for me!

Nicole M
October 2, 2023

Healing after suffering a loss


After losing my father at the beginning of the year I found myself frequently in a daze just moving forward and not paying attention to my slowly expanding depressive state, which left me feeling lost and unmotivated at times. Soul Cybin and especially the Inner Peace gave me hope and a newfound appreciation for my family and wife, with an added bonus of increased creativity in my work life. I have found myself more proactive with limited procrastination in work and life. My wife has also started micro-dosing and getting positive results. It is definitely a game-changer!

September 29, 2023

No need for medicines that don’t work…


After years of trying med after med for chronic pain-induced depression, a friend of mine took 2 months of trial & error of microdosing to do what other meds couldn’t, without the unnecessary & unwanted side effects. Crippling anxiety was a daily fight to get out of bed, now, though nothing is perfect, she can throw off the covers & face the day without being anxious for no apparent reason. Microdosing has made an obvious, calming impact on her overall outlook on life. She is grateful that the mental relief causes a bit of relief from the constant physical pain of autoimmune joint disease. Everybody is different so the options provided are perfect for everyone to tailor their own treatment. I encourage others to check out this very underused treatment, and great company for themselves that tell me similar stories.

Amanda K
September 4, 2023

A spiritual catalyst


I’ve been using the ceremonial blend for deep meditations every 2-3 weeks. A single capsule is the perfect assistance for times when I need to think deeply and clearly on a challenging topic, move past my biases and misconceptions, and focus on the hard and beautiful truth. Thank you!

September 25, 2023

From Crippling Anxiety To Completely Empowered


I suffered from PTSD due to what I consider deaths in life. A horrible divorce, sitting in jail for something I didn’t do for 45 days, and an unfortunate sexual abuse when I was 8 years old at the hands of older kids in a neighborhood. I always was placing blame and super defensive, but it was a false defensive mode I was in my whole life. My personal life was one of anxiety and depression. I was not that fun to be around and developed a quick temper and control issues. Since this therapy and medicine came into my life, I have been more present with my daughter, I have been able to feel it working to heal past traumas, and people actually see a change in my perspective and personality. I am no longer depressed and riddled with anxiety. Definitely going with the flow more often and I have found that life has meaning. I have come to terms that the little stuff I used to sweat, just doesn’t matter. I am seeing big picture again. I am back in school to learn a new trade in computers and my life seems whole again. I cannot thank you enough. Thanks for giving me my true self back!!!

August 17, 2023

A wonderful experience


I started by getting a ceremonial chocolate because I was worried about buying online. I have to tell you there is nothing sketchy about Soulcybin it is the real deal. I tried the chocolate and had a wonderful experience so I took the next step and got everything I needed to begin microdosing. I haven’t begun that yet but I also ordered the ceremonial blend and had a real ceremony yesterday. It was truly magical and awakening for me. It’s been probably 15+ years since I have had mushrooms. The quality and love that this organization puts into everything they do is truly incredible. I will keep using these sacred plants to become a better version of myself. Thanks, Soulcybin!

Ian Bradford
September 25, 2023

Micro & Ceremonial Miracle


Wonderful experience and a great company… Didn’t have as much success with micro-dosing blends as I did with the Ceremonial Blend & Ceremonial Chocolates.
These two experiences gave me much-needed acceptance within difficult relationships and a feeling of overwhelming empathy towards them. Thank you SoulCybin for creating the guide in which I used this ancient medicine to heal and grow within🙏🏻

August 15, 2023

A life-changing shift


After watching How to Change Your Mind on Netflix, I was convinced that I needed to step off of the SSRI bandwagon and try psilocybin microdosing. I took weeks to carefully and safely come off of my antidepressant meds (that I had been on for most of the pandemic), with my doctor’s support, before I finally took the first step of ordering from SoulCybin. I started small, 25mg at first, and I believe I was seeing results within the first week. I chose the Fadiman Protocol (dosing once every three days, for three weeks, then a week off to reset tolerance). I felt more even-keeled, and the bumps in life that would often send me into dysregulation suddenly seemed less… bumpy. I have CPTSD from some pretty messed-up things that happened to me as a child, as well as what I suspect is undiagnosed ADHD (three of my four children are on the spectrum), but I was “managing” it myself as so many of us were forced to do. But when I hit menopause, it all came crashing down, and the pandemic certainly didn’t help either. All the antidepressant and antianxiety meds made things less chaotic, but also dulled any joy or happiness I might have felt. I was also practicing a lot of other things like vipassana meditation, yoga nidra, and emotional re-regulation practices, but with the SSRIs and Xanax, I just felt so empty and wrung out and tired all the time. Once I cleared those things out of my system and started microdosing, it felt like the colors started to seep back into my black-and-white life. I moved up to 50 and then 100mg dosages (still only a tenth of a psychoactive dose), and have been stable with 100 for the last month. I’m not going to say I’m 100% improved, but I do think that mushrooms have helped me progress on my journey in a much healthier and more positive direction than antidepressants ever did. I know those pharmaceuticals are lifesavers for some people, and they did stop my persistent spiraling into despair; they just couldn’t do much more than that. Psilocybin has helped me turn the lights back on again, brought hope back into my vocabulary, and made me feel like maybe my story isn’t done yet. I am so grateful I learned about them, and that I found a reliable, dependable, trusted source of this medicine in SoulCybin.

September 19, 2023

Heart opening and Life changing


SoulCybin has changed my life and helped me make real progress in creating a happier, more meaningful existence. I have suffered from anxiety and depression my entire life. I coped blindly with decades of “partying” that led to a deadly addiction to hard opiates. My struggles with sobriety led me to explore yoga, meditation, and a holistic lifestyle, through which I found a deeper connection to myself, the earth, and the divine universe. But 8 years later, a child, and a demanding career later I found myself in a tailspin of crippling anxiety, exhaustion, and bouts of depression. I knew medication and losing myself to materialism were definitely not the answer. Then a family member suggested I might benefit from microdose therapy. After a lot of research, I was ecstatic to find Soulcybin and its educational materials. I was especially drawn to the focus on the divine universe and acknowledgment of the deeply spiritual nature of the microdose journey. The trial packs allowed me to test different products and strengths to find the perfect ones for my needs. I have found benefits from all 3, but am currently using Brain Booster at work and Inner Peace at home. I also love the Soulcybin community and benefit greatly from the emails full of insight and wisdom to guide my journey. I have started meditating, exercising, and journaling more regularly. I am less anxious, more open to spontaneous adventure, and more social. I have strengthened my relationship with my husband and felt more effective as a parent while also having more fun and quality time with my son. Most surprisingly, I have increased my focus and productivity at work but with much less burnout. Overall, I feel happier, more fulfilled, and more grateful. I can still find myself in a funk or have an anxious, sad, or angry episode, but these last a few minutes or hours rather than days or weeks. THANK YOU SOULCYBIN! I look forward to continuing to grow and explore the offerings you have in store for our community.

August 6, 2023

Wonderful medicine that has truly helped me in many ways


Since I started microdosing (200-250mg/dose) I have felt a decrease in my anxiety and depression. I feel more in control of my life, more capable, and more confident. Microdosing has opened my mind in ways that I’ve never experienced. It has a subtle but lasting effect. All natural, has no side effects and is not controlled by the government. Nothing but positives for me!

September 19, 2023

Coming out of the darkness…


As a cancer survivor and long-time sufferer of depression and anxiety, I have been researching psilocybin for two years when I found out it was being used in controlled studies. Side note: I did take a full dose of ‘mushrooms’ right after harvest in my early twenties and it was a profound experience with no hallucinations, so I already knew some of the benefits firsthand.

Last summer I discovered SoulCybin and knew this was the route I wanted to take, and in the fall of last year, ordered my first bottle. The site is easy to use and my product arrived quickly.

Microdosing is different that a ‘ceremonial dose’ in that the effects are subtle. What I noticed right away was that on the days I micro-dosed, I just felt better. I have chronic pain, all over my body due to fibromyalgia, but somehow, when I microdose, the pain eases up. I smile more. After my 6th or 7th time microdosing, I found I was listening to music more, and loving it again. On days I microdose, my yoga sessions last longer and I have considerably more joy and mindfulness when I go through my routine. I am a teacher and have a grueling job. But, I have found that my attitude toward my job has shifted, and I can tolerate it a little better.

I purposefully microdose on days I will be outside for a hike or walk on the beach and those times outside remind me of how I felt when I was in my 20s. Here I am in my early 50s reconnecting to my younger self’s joy – what a beautiful experience.

I had fears, as I am on an anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medicine, that microdosing might conflict in some way, but I’ve been fine. No odd side effects. I am hopeful, as I continue to microdose, that I will be able to wean off of or at least reduce the dose of those pharmaceutical meds.

I highly recommend Soul Cybin. Blessings, Caroline

March 20, 2023

Best Time of My Life


Since I’ve been microdosing, my mind has been freed. I’m able to live in the moment and quit fretting about past and future events. Makes life much more enjoyable. I’ve also obtained confidence in myself that I have never had before. As I said, it has freed my mind and therefore, me.

September 16, 2023

Life Changing


First of all, the customer service is next level outstanding. I feel like I can ask any questions and I get an above-and-beyond detailed response.

The results I’m getting with Inner Peace 200mg are amazing. I was in a pretty deep depression on and off for… years. I started taking these in January,
5 days on, 2 days off micro-dosing and I do a small to moderate dose on 2 of the 5 days so I feel the effects… and the difference is amazing. I don’t feel depressed anymore… even the hardest days seem to be more filled with hope and happiness for the future… I haven’t had a panic attack in 2.5 months… since I started this.
Not only have my symptoms been reduced greatly but the energy and focus that I get are actually improving my workouts like nothing else I’ve ever tried in the supplement world. I’m so grateful to have run across this company.

I cannot wait for my next order. I will try the Ceremonial Blend and a sampler pack of Brain Booster. 🫶🏽💕

March 11, 2023

Brings me back to myself


This medicine, in applying it with the “one day on, one day off” dosing, has unlocked a path for myself that I always knew existed but would keep getting distracted or knocked off course somehow. In putting this medicine in my body at regular intervals, I am able to bring myself back to myself, and what I mean by that is my mind enters a space where I am operating on a level where obstacles are nonexistent. This of course is not solely due to the medicine, I’ve been building towards the life and person I’ve wanted to be for quite some time now. However, the medicine allows only the most pure and optimal reactions that I am capable of, which has provided me with steady, measured growth both mentally but also spiritually. My attitude always meets the occasion like a glove, and even on the days I am not with the medicine I notice enhanced mood regulation and do not ever get “stuck” in feelings or emotions that can come from living in this modern world.

Overall I would say “garbage in=garbage out” and this is an easy opportunity to put something into your body and mind that is truly life-changing if you are in a reasonably healthy and stable mindset already. Even if you are still struggling physically or mentally with something from the past, this medicine will help provide a perspective of growth and letting go which will potentiate any relief you may already be seeking.

I really recommend this medicine, I see plenty of benefits just from the 50mg, but your mileage may vary. I am also very sensitive to the medicine and everyone will react differently. Try a 5 pill sample, there is not much to lose and a lifetime to gain

September 16, 2023

Migraine Treatment


I have been using benefits of this nature for a little while now. The difference microdosing has made for me is astronomical. I was depressed and having terrible thoughts because of the number of cluster headaches and migraines I suffered on a weekly basis- sometimes 3-4 days in a row without a break. I cannot honestly say I remember the last time I had a true migraine or one that lasted more than twenty minutes of just minor symptoms. Perhaps 3 times total in the last 3 months if even that. I am a believer! I spent two years on multiple medications with many health risks trying to fight migraines- this worked for me almost instantly. Within weeks I knew something amazing had happened. Thank you, SoulCybin!!

Sarah H
January 29, 2023

Life changing


Words cannot begin to express the gratitude I have for this company and the mushrooms. I struggled in my early years with an eating disorder and all through life with depression. I have taken SSRI’s for 25 years. I recently quit (safely) and started micro-dosing, LIFE CHANGING.! Not only am I not experiencing depression, I am feeling more hopeful than I can ever remember. It is truly beautiful. Thank you.

June 2, 2023

Becoming the “Knowing”!


Words cannot express the gratitude I have. My spiritual journey has brought me to mushrooms. I’ve taken mushrooms many times, and each journey has taken me deeper inside my true self. This last time woke me up to how I was neglecting my children emotionally. I could feel their essence and when I looked into their eyes, I could see the pain and they didn’t believe they deserved love. I knew right then that things were going to change, and I am going to do the best I can as a parent and put my children first. Nothing is more important than our children. If we want to see positive change in the world, it starts with our children. I found my true self in the ceremonial blend. I saw that I was more than the role I was playing in this life. Truly words can’t begin to comprehend what I experienced. It’s like finding out you are the lottery and the winner. It’s beyond all that. It’s what everyone is searching for. All I can say is make an intention from your heart and see where the sacred mushrooms take you. They are full of spiritual wisdom beyond this realm. Yet, it is all in you!

September 5, 2023

Outstanding Customer Support and Fast Benefit Delivery


The SoulCybin team exceeded my expectations with the way they handled my order. I explained in the order notes that my need for benefits to enable me to continue my microdosing schedule was very important, that I was nearly out, and they caringly responded by sending my order out within that week. Incredible turn around time and it clearly demonstrates their outstanding customer service . . . they read the requests from their customers. So rare and valuable!

Briefly, why I microdose: while working for more than 10 years for one of the big tech companies in the Pacific NW, I experienced major burnout. The stresses of the job, the frequent re-organization of teams and constant worry about being laid off added up thru the years and before I knew it I had slipped into depression. Exercise, eating right, and even meditation was not helping me. I tried psychologists and psychiatrists who put me on big pharma anti-depressant drugs, but none of that worked. I kept getting worse and was at risk of losing my job, marriage and family, who didn’t understand why I was: unhappy, quick to get angry, and disconnected from them nearly all the time.

I decided I needed help, so I reached out and worked with two different Coaches (both trained and licensed in my state), they guided me toward microdosing and it has completed changed my life and outlook. I am happy again.
I see that I have a positive future with many opportunities. I’m back to having the brain clarity, energy and enthusiasm for life that I had back in my 20’s. I have gained back the Entrepreneurial drive that I’d lost, and my relationship with wife and children is back to being great again!

Then, it was just a matter of finding a professional supplier that I could trust. SoulCybin has proven to me that I can trust them.

Thank you.

November 20, 2022

Happier me!


After a few months of trial and error trying the different blends and strengths I am now taking the Adaptogen 100mg. I have spent years battling depression, anxiety, and anger and refused to go the conventional route of taking toxic pharmaceuticals. But SoulCybin has given me my life back. I feel better connected and in control of my life which hasn’t been the case in decades. I am so grateful I found this website and community. Thank you SoulCybin for providing your knowledge, support, and of course the medicine. I am forever grateful!

February 14, 2023

Life Changing


I have to start off by saying I love this organization and the way they operate. Fast delivery. Very compassionate and friendly staff. Quick response and very informative information to every email I have sent. Microdosing with Soulcybin’s products has definitely been life-changing for me. It has brought me peace, taught me to go with the flow and not become so worked up on a daily basis with my employees. I’ve tried multiple blends they offer. My go-to is “Inner Peace.” I highly recommend trying micro-dosing to everyone. The products they provide are all slightly different. I recommend sample packs for first-time users.

September 1, 2023

I’m a Believer!


I started my microdosing journey around a month ago and needed a reliable vendor. I found SoulCybin mentioned on a website and am so glad I did! The products are consistent and reliable, and I get mine within a week even from the other side of the country! I am still toying around with the correct dosage for me but the effects I feel from microdosing are tremendous.

I have been an opiate addict for 20 years now, but have taken a maintenance medication for the past 8 years. Since I started psilocybin I have cut my daily dosage of this maintenance med in half and plan on stopping completely when the time is right. I’m also working to taper down from my anti-depressant with the help of this tool and so far so good! 👌🏼

The way this medicine helps me is that it keeps me grounded. It pulls me back into my own body and I am more able to focus on the task at hand rather than all the worries I’m usually consumed with. It quiets the storm inside my mind and helps me feel motivated to tackle daily tasks.

In just a short month this medication has improved my mental health and also helped me begin a much-procrastinated physical health journey. I feel motivated to “get myself together” again so to speak. I’ve started jogging a few miles a day again, making healthy eating choices, and meeting my daily water intake goals.

It’s hard to believe that plant medicine can have such profound effects, especially considering the changes in my mind/body are so subtle, but psilocybin is changing my life in tremendous ways.

I’m so glad I gave microdosing a chance.

August 4, 2023

Because of your product, I am free


I have been an opiate addict for the past 7 years. I have detoxed a few times at home and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. Unfortunately, I have not been able to permanently stop using them so far.
I have been DESPERATE to get off of them for the past year. I tried methadone, did not work. Suboxone did not work.
Finally, I began studying the power of mushrooms mainly for my mom because Alzheimer’s runs in my family, and I wanted to get her on a microdosing program so she would not be another victim in my family (all of the women in my family have gotten it and died from complications of it).
In my studies, I got an idea a couple of months ago. If mushrooms are powerful enough to have helped all the people they have helped in so many ways, why not me?
Finally, about a month ago I mentally prepared myself for another horrendous detox from opiates. I have been so lucky to have a best friend through this one….the mushroom!!! I have detoxed using mushrooms.
I microdose most days and have also taken the ceremonial blend one time on the weekends. Three weeks now and I have not had to lie in bed all day, or miss any work, I have actually been able to sleep, it has been incredible.

It makes me so angry that this line of therapy is not being used or even really researched as a way to get off of opiates.
No one I know who uses opiates can believe I just quit with basically no side effects, pain, or depression! Well, I am a huge believer. If u are struggling with an opiate or any addiction, I highly recommend trying this path. The worst that could happen is it doesn’t work. The best is the possibility of being free of the chains of addiction!
I can never thank you enough for your product and what you do. You have probably saved my life!

Lots of love,

February 28, 2023

My experience so far


I’m 53 years old and started microdosing 1 month ago. 4 days on 3 days off. I smile more. I’m more forgiving to has magnified my meditation beyond words.
After 3 weeks of excellent results, I prepared for a 2.5g Ceremonial experience. I had done dried mushrooms before recreational, although, it had been a decade. My intentions were clear. I wanted a spiritual journey.
It’s been a week since that profound and gorgeous lesson. I had never gone that deep into this medicine before. I’m still processing what was shown to me. Thank You Soulcybin

June 16, 2023

SoulCybin is helping me cure my C-PTSD


I have had undiagnosed C-PTSD for 40 years.. 5 years ago I started eMDR therapy to treat my C-PTSD. I started using psilocybin to treat my C-PTSD about a year ago. I found micro-dose at that time and since then, one ceremonial chocolate and YEARS of bad memories, depression, guilt, shame… ALL GONE! This sacred substance erased YEARS of trauma in just one sitting!!

August 7, 2023

Major Lift in Mood


I have been following a one-day off, 2 days on protocol for about 2 months now and I have noticed a very significant lift in mood, energy, and concentration.

I have tried many other products and have found that Soulcybin offers superior quality and an excellent referral/rewards program that I have enjoyed tremendously.

June 2, 2023

Real Change


I have been using the ceremonial product for almost one year, taking days of introspection followed by days of peace approximately every 3 weeks assisted by the product. I have been on a 20 year conscious search for meaning and peace in my life. It has been a long road but the last several months have delivered an incredible change in my inner peace. I believe this was the right tool at the right time. I also believe this has the power to make a great change to the collective if used with reverence and the correct intent.

March 14, 2023

Relationship healed


Microdosing with soulcybin has really helped us with our relationship and being able to really get out of our own way with things. Everyday life at work and home has improved by at least 60% since we started. Thank you Soulcybin.

September 25, 2023

Life changing


I have been seeking healing for a lifelong binge eating disorder through years of talk therapy, coaching, and EMDR. All of these helped uncover the childhood wounds that have led to this addiction, and while I’ve learned to control the binges most of the time, I’ve continued to feel cravings whenever I am emotionally unsettled. After reading about the healing power of psilocybin I took a ceremonial dose (the chocolate) in the presence of a trusted friend. The journey led me to process deep grief and gave me insights about my place in the universe and how very powerful, beautiful, loved, and connected I am. I could feel the medicine and the music working together to repair my nervous system. I emerged with a sense of bodily peace that I have never known before, and have not had a single food craving since (it’s been one month). I intuitively know that I will never “use” food as a drug again. I cannot thank SoulCybin enough for making this powerful and beautiful medicine available to us.

January 31, 2024

What I needed


microdosing created a new a more fresh start to each day. greatly lessened the anxiety that was tied to each morning. my focus on tasks, their completion, positive daily intentions, and a more positive attitude was so much easier. i will continue this path of empowerment.

August 9, 2023

Thank you.


Thank you for giving us access to this safe and natural way to deal with depression. This has helped me tremendously in down times and for maintaining mental acuity!

June 4, 2023

Micro dosing has literally saved


Microdosing has literally saved my life after decades of trying everything else. The fog has lifted and I don’t want to die each morning when I wake. The clarity and calm that I have is amazing, even when faced with former things that were “triggers.” So grateful to have found SoulCybin.

January 27, 2024

It helped me to navigate Cancer treatment


I tried this with a friend following my cancer diagnosis and treatment. It provided a needed boost in my mental health recovery. It helped me to get out of negative patterns of thinking and to be able to step back and see with a better perspective in order to move forward and past trauma. I’d highly recommend it to people with depression, recovering from or struggling with cancer, and anyone who may need a change in their perspective.

January 21, 2023

A teaching and blessing journey


I have been microdosing for about six weeks, and it’s been so rewarding. My spouse and I are at the separation stage of our relationship, and we have been microdosing together. It gave us such a calm state of mind to make our choices in life. I’m grateful for having access to such sacred medicine, and the company works hard to provide it.

August 6, 2023

Life changing


Truly a life-changing experience with ceremonial SoulCybin. I started with one pill and worked my way to 3 at a time. The beginning was rough and scary, as you have to face all the childhood trauma, limiting beliefs, fear, and programming. Once the groundwork is done, every session is full of wonderful insights about you, others, and the world. During my recent session, I got inspired and worked on my dream project for like 2 hours.

March 11, 2023

Ceremonial chocolates Wow!


I ordered the ceremonial chocolates and I was pleasantly surprised with how they worked. I had an amazing experience out in nature, and felt connected to the world in a way I had never experienced before, I gained important insights into myself and have begun my journey of healing. I will be ordering more in the future.

July 26, 2023

Mind Unlocked!


I recently had the pleasure of experiencing SoulCybin’s ceremonial chocolates, and I must say, they have truly expanded my spirit and unlocked my mind in the most incredible way. These chocolates are not your ordinary treats; they are a gateway to a profound and transformative experience.

From the moment I opened the package, I could sense the care and intention that went into crafting these chocolates. The packaging itself exudes a sense of reverence and respect for the sacred journey that lies ahead. Each chocolate is beautifully designed, a work of art in itself.

As I took my first bite, I could taste the richness of the ingredients blended perfectly with the subtle hint of the ceremonial medicine. It was a taste that awakened my senses and prepared me for the journey that awaited. The chocolates are not overpowering or overwhelming; instead, they delicately guide you toward a state of deep introspection.

The effects of these ceremonial chocolates were truly remarkable. As I allowed myself to surrender to the experience, I felt a profound sense of connection with my inner self and the world around me. My perception expanded, and I saw things with newfound clarity and understanding. It was as if the chocolates had unlocked doors within my mind that had long been dormant.

What I appreciate most about SoulCybin’s chocolates is their commitment to creating a safe and supportive environment for the journey. The company provides detailed instructions and guidance on dosage and preparation, ensuring that participants have a positive and transformative experience. They also offer ongoing support and integration resources, which are invaluable in making the most of the insights gained during the ceremony.

In addition to the transformative experience, I found that the effects of these chocolates lingered long after the ceremony ended. I felt a renewed sense of purpose and a deep sense of gratitude for life. It was as if the chocolates had reconnected me to a wellspring of inspiration and creativity that had been lying dormant within me.

If you are seeking a truly transformative experience that expands your spirit and unlocks your mind, I wholeheartedly recommend SoulCybin’s ceremonial chocolates. They offer a safe and supportive space for exploration and growth, and their commitment to quality and intentionality shines through in every aspect of their product. Prepare yourself for a journey like no other, where you can tap into the depths of your soul and emerge with newfound wisdom and clarity.

Geron Shelton
January 25, 2024

Finding SoulCybin was a Godsend


I found SoulCybin while researching microdosing several years ago. I did not believe it was real and or legitimate when I first found it. I went to Trust Pilot and became 90% sure it was real and so took a chance and ordered multiple sample bags of nearly everything. I was so happy and relieved when I received my first order shortly thereafter.
I have successfully used microdosing for life long depression. It did not happen over night but over a series of months and then years my depression fell away leaving me a much happier, confident and just better person. I am currently using the infused honey at very low dose for maintenance.
My husband recently had a stroke which severely impacted the left hemisphere of his brain. His neurologist says using psilocybin may help reestablish neuro pathways in his brain, I intend to try this if he continues to deteriorate.
I have found SoulCybin to be honest and the medication to be very consistent. I can’t give a higher recommendation. This is real and so very life changing.

Lynn S
February 18, 2023

Life Altering


It’s very hard to put into words the “magic” of microdosing and integration. I am so grateful I took the chance on trying it out, and have participated in some ceremonies over the last 6 months. It’s important to set the intention and to integrate the experience with inner work (and therapy if possible). It doesn’t happen overnight, but after time, I began to notice the healing that has taken place. I’m so grateful for the experience.

June 19, 2023

A Second Chance at Life


After nearly 2 months of microdosing with one experience near the beginning, I’m finally starting to realize this new me is here to stay!

I’ve had depression on and off for about 10 years, social and general anxiety for 25 years, and issues with addiction for about the past 5 years. I’ve been put on more antidepressants than I can count, none of which helped at all, just made issues worse. Sometimes the antidepressants would seem to help for a little while, only for everything to come back worse within a month or so.

Two months ago I started microdosing while trying to get through my addictions. I had tried getting through them before with no luck. Two weeks later, I took a big dose. The day before was the last day I had any alcohol. Initially, things moved slowly, but I could almost immediately tell it was doing something. Since my big dose, I have literally not been the same, and I mean that in the best way possible. Not only have I noticed these changes myself, but my entire family has all commented on how different and better I am. I’m more social, confident, and less anxious. I feel happy for the first time in forever!

I could probably ramble on for much longer, but honestly, my only regret is not having found this miracle sooner! Thank you SoulCybin!

January 24, 2024

Being my first experience with


Being my first experience with psilocybin, I only had the personal reviews of others to guide my expectations. The collective input was consistently positive and felt genuine, and so I was drawn to explore microdosing as an expediency for my contemplation practice. Trusting an unknown online supplier was also a risk in this process. I researched online as best I could and SoulCybin was one of the very few resources floating at the top after my safety screen.

I started by using the microdosing sampler packets, focusing the first month on the Inner Peace tabs. I also experimented several times by adding the boosting effects of the Syrian Rue Amplifier. The protocol was the basic 1 tab every other day for 30 days, followed by at least a 2 week break before restarting. I ingested the tab(s) on an empty stomach in the mornings just before breakfast.

Without question, and even after just 1 month of experiential assessment, the microdosing has not only helped to deepen my intentional inner work (especially when boosted), it appears to have also help loosen the previously tight grip of my “default mode network” – a sweet, freeing blessing on its own! The assessment was relatively easy for me as I was critically comparing subjective effects versus trends already established from my contemplation practice (the control).

Recording even the smallest noticeable effects in a log book has proven helpful establishing these trends over time. As an example, a brief, mild stomach upset was only noticed whenever I added the Syrian Rue Amplifier on top of the Inner Peace tab.

I have found this supplier, SoulCybin, very responsible and responsive concerning benefit quality, service, and guidance. Although it could take a few weeks to receive certain benefits, it’s become understandable to me now since I truly believe they infuse loving intentionality as an active ingredient in each offering.

As any true teacher or witness will affirm, these benefits are only tools in service of your intentions, not magic. And now I can add my new voice to the ever-growing testimony that true inner peace can indeed evolve and merge with growing responsibility and profound gratitude. This is not the stuff of mere logic, it’s experiential.

Whether or not you are likewise drawn to these benefits as a tool of expediency, blessings to you for even considering as it clearly indicates you are already on the path of love, which is freedom.

October 25, 2022

Real Deal!


I am happy to report that the benefits I have received through SoulCybin are as advertised and have enabled for me a long-overdue healing journey. I am grateful to this company for taking such care with my orders. Delivery was timely and accurate, except for one minor instance that they corrected right away once I brought it to their attention. It is obvious that the staff at SoulCybin care about their clients. I am very happy to count myself among those.

May 10, 2022

Helped me to save myself from depression


The changes I have experienced from microdosing have been truly amazing. Before microdosing, I had struggled for around 9 years with depression and anxiety. After looking for many answers, I found microdosing and did lots of research. I decided to give it a try, and it changed my life. That depression that I had experienced for years was greatly reduced, barely even noticeable now. The anxiety is much less and I feel like I’m able to talk to people and be outgoing again like when I was a little kid. My harmful thoughts towards myself are gone, and I have learned to give myself some grace. Microdosing with Soulcybin has helped me to love myself in ways I never even thought possible. I am no longer my own enemy, and microdosing is the amazing tool that has helped me to cultivate a better relationship with myself and with others.

January 23, 2024

The beauty of subtlety


My reasons for wanting to micro-dose are to further my spiritual and evolutionary growth. Since I purchased the ceremonial blend I have been microdosing every weekend. It has been an unusual experience but one that leaves me with a sense of well-being and greater self-love. As I have been growing more cynical in the past few years and more depressed about my future, I’m finding new joy and peace through microdosing. I feel more like taking care of myself and my outlook has been more optimistic. Interestingly to me, I don’t necessarily experience all of those things during the few hours I can really feel the dose, but it’s hours and days later that I notice the change. I feel like microdosing is helping me pull out of a several-year-long slump and I’m much more optimistic about the future.

I took anti-depressants years ago and while they made me feel great while taking them, they left me with some nasty side effects that have impacted my health. Microdosing with the ceremonial blend is light-years better than the anti-depressants, AND the “side-effects” are that I am getting healthier, not losing my health. Also, since I’m only dosing 1-2 days per week, the benefits are real and not dependent on the dose. Thanks, SoulCybin for making this available!

May 1, 2023



I was very skeptic how I would respond to micro-dosing, but I am so happy I took the chance. I have found this medicine gives me mental stamina and supports my current work in therapy. Not only am I responding better (calmer and more grounded) to situations but also I am able to mentally process emotions with less turmoil.
Thank you very much for this magic.

Vella Stephens
May 9, 2022

so excited!


I do not have any trauma to heal however, I have been researching the benefits of mushrooms and the brain synapses. I very much enjoyed my first sample of microdosing and shared the product with my friend who does have trauma to heal and an addiction. I’m just super excited my naturopath recommended this company and I am very excited to continue my research and journey with SoulCybin!

January 22, 2024

Found my center


I never knew that there was such a big hole in my being. I felt the way I always had, not depressed, but never exactly happy. But when I microdosed I became aware that I had never been quite whole, and what a difference! You don’t know what you don’t know, and until you feel the wholeness of your being, you don’t know what things could be like.

Elizabeth Kafka
May 8, 2022

I have had many uplifting


I have had many uplifting and wonderful discoveries about myself. These continue to help me grow in all aspects of my life.

August 13, 2023

Showed me the truth


My ceremony showed me exactly what needs changing in my life. It showed me where in my life my childhood trauma was still affecting me in a huge way. I realized all the good and “bad” within me and that I need to accept myself before I can move on. I felt true joy and satisfaction during my ceremony, feelings I didn’t even realize I hadn’t felt for decades. I can hardly describe everything I experienced, but it has truly helped me and healed me in ways I don’t think would’ve been possible without the mushrooms. I see that I have much to heal and it’ll probably take a while, but I have hope because so much has been cleared up for me. To note: I have been in DBT and somatic therapy which helped me be brave enough to face all I did during my trip. I was ready and that is important.

January 22, 2024

Amazing Chocolates


The sacred chocolates were amazing. My husband and I were very blessed and grateful to have purchased these chocolates. We had a great ceremonial experience with these sacred plant medicine chocolates. I can’t wait for you all to create more. I really wish these could be readily available to purchase on your site with your other sacred products. We love, love, love those chocolates.

Andrea M
May 6, 2022



We’ve been enjoying the ceremonial blend. It is potent but gentle. Grateful for this community.

April 12, 2023

I microdosed the chocolates and had an interesting calm day, The chocolates are clearly an excellent blend


I microdosed the chocolates and had an interesting calm day, The chocolates are clearly an excellent blend.

January 22, 2024

Amazing product for an amazing experience


I started microdosing with the hope that I could find more creativity in my professional life. Due to some health issues last year and the stress of work and family life I have been feeling stifled creatively, so that was my original motivation.

Over the past couple of weeks microdosing I have not only gotten in touch with my creative side again, but I have become far more patient and understanding with my personal life as well. We have a 2-year-old and anyone with children will know that can be a very frustrating (but also rewarding) age. Being able to keep a calm head when she is throwing a tantrum is a huge benefit in and of itself, but my emotional connection with my wife has never been stronger.

Professionally I have been finding time to get my work done in ways I never considered before, and have even been able to incorporate some of my hobbies into my workday as well.

It has truly been an amazing experience.

August 13, 2023

Very clean products


The products feel clean. I like the quality

June 7, 2023



My life has changed for the better since microdosing with SoulCybin. One noticeable area is I do not hold onto negative emotions. In other words, they come and go without constant rumination. A feeling of calm acceptance takes their place.

mary jane novi
February 3, 2023

Deep Gratitude


I ordered the ceremonial chocolates with the intent of having them for my first macro journey. Hubby spent the day with me as the chocolates took effect. They were beautifully packaged, and you can tell a lot of love went into them. During my journey, I kept feeling deep gratitude for access to this medicine. Hoping to order them once offered again.

Dana H.
May 6, 2022

Most Amazing Products


I am new to micro-dosing and recently purchased the chocolate and a sample bundle. I can say that it definitely has helped me in my mood, and how I perceive different things in my life. I am so thankful I tried this and I will be purchasing more from this company, as it is just the beginning of my personal journey to better myself and to feel I have a purpose…I feel in control of my life again, and I am excited to continue my journey. Thank you very much for offering a sample pack and the chocolate is even more amazing and delicious. Thank you again.

January 20, 2024

Creating perception


The ceremonial chocolates introduce a new level of experience. They unlock the beautiful realization that experience is determined by your perception. I had several experiences with the chocolates, and each time, I could feel my perception tailoring itself to my experience. I could feel the beautiful rhythms of the universe echoing through everything.

July 19, 2023

Unexpected miracle!


I hired a sitter and he recommended these products. I am 65 and over the years I have tried mushrooms for recreational purposes, but this time it was with healing intent. My guide had me set an intention before we began. My intention was to get healthier. I drank a LOT, every day, and almost every day to the drunk stage. I have been fighting it for 30 years. I had an experience I never would have predicted but with my sitter’s guidance, we were able to dissect it to its probable meaning. The next day I didn’t want a drink, I even drove by several liquor stores and normally I would mentally check my home inventory and stop in case I wasn’t sure. I was able to drive by them and not even think of stopping. I have been sober since Sept 22. I never thought I would feel this free from alcohol EVER. But I AM free, I’m more pleasant to be around (my kids told me) and I am SO GRATEFUL. I continue to microdose but I am preparing for another full-on journey. Hoping to get to an even deeper awareness of myself. I would and have, recommended it to EVERYONE considering it.

March 1, 2023

Helps a positive attitude


Sometimes we should see what we do and did to put things into perspective.
So many harmful pharmaceuticals ruin people
This is something that is natural and used properly is better than addictive drugs
I am happier than I was. Hopeful.
I like the best The ceremonial blend, but all are good the descriptions are pretty accurate.

Peter Osborne
January 19, 2024

Discovering who we truly are.


The ceremonial blend is by far my favorite product that I have tried so far. At high doses, I experienced complete “ego death,” timelessness, and an awakening like nothing else. Although I had to overcome my challenges in the beginning, I am thankful for the spiritual wisdom that became alive within me. It was an emotional, peaceful, and joyful experience full of unconditional love from the divine, which is always within us and never leaves us. Much gratitude to SoulCybin for providing this healing for all of us to experience. ❤️ 🙏

July 18, 2023

I have had a much


I have had a much easier time with public speaking and social events when I microdose about an hour before hand. I am so appreciative of your products!!!

January 16, 2024

Depression gone!


I tried the sampler pack and fell in love with the Inner Peace 100mg capsules. I ordered a bottle of 30 and so far, so good! My depression seems to go away as well as my anxiety when I take 2-300 mg. I think next time I will order a larger dosage so I don’t have to take multiple capsules. I am so thankful to Soulcybin for being brave and a pioneer in the microdosing world and for giving us access to this wonderful product. I will be donating again for sure! THANK YOU for helping me. It seems to help even on the off days. I have been dosing every other day and it seems to help a lot. Might try a different schedule if I get a larger dose so I don’t gain any dependency.

William S
January 14, 2024

It’s really helping


As a combat veteran with PTSD, I’ve tried many forms of therapy and medicine to help alleviate my trauma. Some have been more helpful than others, but ultimately none have had a major positive impact. After a month of using the Inner Peace, I’m finding myself more able to handle anxious situations. I’m not reacting as strongly as I have before and don’t experience the numbing effect that comes with mainstream medications. I have hope once again.

January 12, 2024

This stuff works. I started


This stuff works. I started relaxing and stopped my thoughts from spinning. Be aware that the ceremony blend is strong if you aren’t used to it.

January 4, 2024

Beautiful, very helpful product.


I had the dark night of the soul followed by a spiritual awakening in 2023. Many bad things happened to me to the point where I just didn’t care about anything anymore. I thought death would be best. Amazing things started to happen to me. Spiritual things. I was not asking for any of this, as I had just given up. All of a sudden, I felt love like I had never felt it. I came across your website last year, but took me a long time to decide to try it. Another gift from the universe! I have had several beautiful and profound experiences with your product! Each time I learn a very important life-changing lesson! Thank you for all you do! What a service! Overflowing love and blessings to you!❤️

January 2, 2024

I feel I could do anything!


I’m not one to dabble in much because I’ve felt most everything is unnecessary but the thing I was always curious about was microdosing. Never sought it out but it eventually finally reached me. Next thing you know I was hooked solely on the fact that it made me what I was looking for, happy. Now a friend recommended Soulcybin and I was iffy because I only trusted one brand but I took the plunge and went safe with the honey and I can say I’ve entered a whole new world!!! Microdosing this brand made me feel like I could do anything. Not just be happy but finally do things I’ve pushed back because of anxiety. Face social issues that made me uncomfortable and truly made me feel comfortable in my skin!

February 15, 2023

Changed my life!


First of all, I’m 60 yrs old and I’ve battled life-threatening depression since I was about 15 with anxiety mixed in most of the time. I’ve tried therapy, pharmaceuticals, and cannabis, the latter being the most helpful but because of my job, I’m not able to use it.
I’d read about psilocybin and the potential relief I might expect. I talked with a professional and was offered advice and links for sources which lead me to Soulcybin. I desperately wanted to try micro-dosing and I’m so glad I did. After about 2-3 weeks, my depression and anxiety were virtually gone…like I feel normal! I was also having a lot of ocular migraines and distracting eye twitching both of which have also stopped almost completely.
I admit even though I was very hopeful, I was also skeptical about micro-dosing. I’m now a believer!
Thanks to everyone at Soulcybin for your help with my initial purchase (it can be tricky but smooth sailing after the first purchase) and for offering a safe place to buy such a life-changing and life-saving medication!

February 28, 2023

Welcome Longevity


I spent the majority of my early adult life leaning into self-destruction. A child of the free & volatile 70s, a teen in the decadent & egregious 80s, and a young adult creative converted to 25 years of capitalist corporate executive posts from the 90s to 2021. All self-medicating was erosive to my physical, mental, and emotional health. In 2020 I was introduced to SoulCybin and have benefited across all functions. The demons of anxiety, depression, and frustration have dissipated. My mind, spirit, and body are on the ascent. I’ve shifted from self-destruction to life extension. Welcome longevity🤍.

July 17, 2023

Feeling better every day!


My focus & mental clarity has definitely improved with using the Brain Booster blend, but most importantly I’ve noticed a huge difference in my daily mood. I am so much calmer and able to manage stress better than before. I feel like I’m able to handle things that would normally cause me anxiety or distress with ease and composure. I’m thankful for the patience and serenity that this medicine has helped me to harness in my life.

Jessica Wyant
August 2, 2022

Uniquely, powerful & made with love!


Incredibly intense chocolate ceremony just as promised! will purchase again & again! thank you so much!

February 4, 2023

Safe, Fast, Great Communication, and Amazing Product


I was skeptical of zelling money to an online web page, so I bought the smallest sample pack. Email communication was outstanding. Product came as described. I am a newbie trying to cut back on my drinking. All I can say is try them all, they are worth every penny. The different strengths provide different results, so read their recommendations. These will be going in my friend’s stocking for Christmas! Bring on the giggles!!

December 21, 2022

The best microdosing product I’ve found


Microdosing has been highly beneficial for me. Because of microdosing, I am more present, more attentive to details, and more grateful. My awareness and appreciation of nature’s wonder and beauty have increased exponentially. And I am more positive, more relaxed, and overall happier. I can see these benefits even on days I don’t microdose, so these are long-lasting improvements to my life. And SoulCybin is the best product I’ve found. I’ve tested different products from 3 other suppliers, and SoulCybin is the clear winner. I especially like the Adaptogen Blend combined with The Amplifier (Syrian Rue), but I’ve also enjoyed the Brain Booster and the ceremonial chocolates. I wish there was an easier way to pay than using Bitcoin, as it requires a few steps, but once you’ve done it a couple of times it becomes easy.

Paul Mayer
July 16, 2023

Powerful healing


I have used Soulcybin products in the treatment of some of my patients. In particular a 17 year old adhd patient has scored 20 points higher on average on school exams, using about a 1 gram dose of the honey once a week for 5 weeks. Another female patient with OCD benefitted significantly from a small dose of mushroom capsule 2 days on one day off for one month. Soulcybin please make more honey lol!

Dr Mike, New York
February 26, 2023



SoulCybin has given me great customer service, caring messages, and quality products. The teamed reached out to me when I really needed blessings on my healing journey.
I will recommend it to a friend.
I am truly grateful and blessed for a new day.

January 11, 2023

A greater sense of Awareness


I’ve taken the Ceremonial Blend several times now, and it has been one of the most enriching experiences I’ve ever had! The experience was wonderful, and the after-effects in the weeks since have improved my life, made me more in touch with my emotions, and created a greater sense of awareness.

February 4, 2023

A return to peace


As my journey with mushrooms rather than pharmaceuticals has begun I am experiencing more awareness and clarity.
I am grateful and encouraged by the power and effectiveness of this medicine.

Denise douglas
January 11, 2023

Amazing Experience!


The ceremonial chocolate was both mind expanding and healing for me it has helped me to be able to connect more with my family, helped me with work, the use of different mushrooms was very welcoming, it was as if each one was opening my mind in very different ways! I can not express enough how much it has helped me with my severe social anxiety and depression! I absolutely can’t wait for them to be released again!!

May 6, 2022

Life Changing!


My wife and I began using the Inner Peace and Adaptogen blends a couple of months and the results have been life changing. I’m a much more balanced and happy person and my frequent mood swings have all but disappeared. Highly recommend!

May 9, 2022

Reliable source for psilocybin


I am a senior citizen and very skeptical when ordering products of this type. It’s always difficult for me to pay in advance not knowing if you’ll ever get it. I was very surprised with the quick delivery and quality of the products. I ordered several sample packs and found them consistent with the descriptions provided. I intend to order more products including the ceremonial chocolate.

I have found a more compassionate and forgiving side to my personality

Lino C
December 19, 2022

PTSD Breakthrough, Love Awakening?


Narcissistic emotional abuse is hard to put into words…but yeah I know what it feels like. toxic upbringing decided to look into doing my own research, and lo and behold there are powerful methods to reverse the effects of dissociation (soul fragmentation) and anxiety. I tried SoulCybin ceremonial blend and also therapeutic microdose ketamine…over a 3-week period and felt hope again. Others can hurt you all they want but You Decide to heal and let go over time. It’s amazing I feel hope again. thanks. Namaste.

July 4, 2023

So amazing!


Well this was a really great product and definitely the mix of the mushroom blend with Syrian Roux makes for a longer lasting experience definitely something I want to add to my own mixtures I highly recommend this for anyone who is starting to even the psychonots. In my case I wish I had taken more or had more because the effects were so good and very healing. Would buy again 100%

May 6, 2022

SoulCybin is the Best!


I signed up for some of the member benefits from SoulCybin and these benefits shipped quickly and discretely. The benefits were high quality and helped me deal with my chronic anxiety and to help me give up alcohol. I have been taking the benefits about every other day and I have had few cravings for alcohol.
I’m so glad I found Soulcybin!

August 4, 2023

Such a blessing!


I have used several products from SoulCybin, from all the types of microdosing capsules to the ceremonial blend and the ceremonial chocolates, and every product has been beneficial to my mental and physical health. As someone who had been struggling with alcohol addiction and abuse for over a decade, I needed some grounding and shift in perspective. This medicine gave me both of those and the positive effects continue to affect me in the best way. I have been free from alcohol addiction for over 8 months now, in part thanks to SoulCybin and their sharing this gift with the world. If you have been considering their products, I highly recommend giving them a try. Thanks to all of you at SoulCybin for making this available to us! Much love to y’all! Mo sheacht mbeannacht ort!

May 6, 2022

Ceremonial chocolates


I had a very insightful experience with these chocolates. I got out of it what I intended and they were delicious! Lately I’ve been using 3.5g of dried shrooms I brew in a tea, so these chocolates weren’t as strong as what I’ve been used to lately. And I space out my ceremonies by 2 weeks. If these are made again, I will most likely need 2 to match what I’ve been used to. So if I had to make a suggestion, maybe have a stronger option available. I’m definitely going to buy again

May 8, 2022

Stablizing and Transformative through grief into an emerging new outlook


I initially approached mushrooms to spiritually evolve generically through the pandemic because I knew I needed to change in level up somehow. Then my mother died, and recently, the woman I hoped to marry died. Mushrooms have brought me into direct experiences that have helped transform the grief and come to a deeper understanding of the purpose of my existence… there is still much to learn but represents a deep acceleration than what would have been possible through traditional therapeutic modalities, reading, reflection, and practices on their own within this same time frame. But yes, I have more exploring, but it is a more accelerated, deepened, and thoroughly enhanced experienced process of healing. Inner work such as meditative and various therapeutic modalities are strongly recommended…and working with an experienced therapist or spiritual guide who can help you in the process of integrating plant medicine with walking a spiritual and/or therapeutic healing path is recommended to deepen how one goes into the process with the plant medicine—and starting low/slow and gradually building up if desired as one gets to know themselves and the plant medicine in this process.

February 18, 2023

The exact journey I needed


I purchased the special ceremonial chocolates, not entirely knowing what I was getting into…
What I got into, was one of the most beautiful and transformational journeys I could have had.

It was a journey of healing, and I was able to release trauma that I have been holding on to for years. I came out of my experience so much closer to the human that I’m meant to be.

From being able to release this trauma, I have let go of depression and anxiety, mostly a lot of anxiety and fear that we’re controlling me. I haven’t felt any since.

I owe so much to this experience. I look forward to trying the microdosing, and know I will continue to benefit greatly from it!

This company is doing transformational things. If you’ve been considering trying any of these benefits out yet, but haven’t, I recommend you go all in and just do it. there is so much beauty that has come from my healing. everyone deserves to feel this peace.

Brittany Eddy
May 6, 2022

A very intelligent medicine


This sacred plant medicine has changed my life. At first, I thought that the incredible serenity I feel now was going to be the main benefit and it’s a great one! I now realize that this medicine guides me each day where I need to go. This has enabled me to begin the process of true emotional healing. It is teaching me to look at the light and dark side of myself. In these lessons, it has been so easy to love myself, forgive myself, and release the energy that no longer serves me. I am learning to surrender my ego and I am realizing that living my life without ego leading the way is so peaceful. It’s wonderful to rest in the serenity of knowing that I am exactly where I need to be at this moment. I am in the universe and the universe is in my body. The universe and I combine together.
I can not recommend a relationship with this medicine enough. You will not be disappointed.

June 19, 2023



These products from SoulCybin are changing my life. I had the worst case of C-PTSD my doctor had ever seen. I have been in EMDR therapy for 5 years. The ceremonial chocolate as well as the Ceremonial blend cured me in just a few months. Thank you!!!!!

August 2, 2023

A gift born of The Mother Earth for the healing of her children!


I really don’t even know how or where to begin. First off I want to express gratitude and many thank you’s to SoulCybin for sharing this beautiful medicine with the world! This amazing chocolate has left me speechless and in awe… I can’t express in words the value of this beautiful, amazing gift all wrapped in a heart-shaped chocolate envelope with love and shiny rainbow-colored wrapping perfect for this ceremony. I will mention here that I did read the ceremony preparation emails before the ceremony was held and I’m so glad I did. I am passionately grateful to SoulCybin for that because it made the ceremony so much more calming since I was the only one present during this ceremony. Just remembering the words expressed in those emails helped get me through it all with a calm and peaceful mind. I have to say that I prepared my room as the sanctuary for the medicine to do what she needed to do. I had a setup of candles, crystals, pictures of great saints, books vibrating with living words, a meditation pillow on the floor and on my bed, and I also had the music list suggested in the emails.
Even though I had everything set up in my room, the Mother had other plans for me.. the ceremony ended up happening in the perfect place, my bathroom of all places, yes!! Lol… During the ceremony, she helped me to understand why she chose the bathroom of all places and I can tell you it made absolute, perfect sense. The medicine definitely had a feminine, motherly feel to it, but I cannot go without mentioning her doctors, her living shamans, and the masculine healers. I definitely felt each one of them since they each brought their unique gift to the ceremony. It was an experience of a lifetime, a healing one for sure It was amazing to just be with the medicine, to allow her to flow through your body with ease. She helped me to see things I’d never experienced before, to feel things as they are, and not how I’ve been imagining them to be. I have never felt more alive. My entire body was engulfed in living, moving patterns. Everything was vibrating with life and so much color, a color that was alive and way more rich and deep. The movements of the many patterns that were shown were so beautiful and captivating, none were the same. The healers came with their own music, and my body would move to the rhythm of their song. I knew at that moment I was being cleansed and caressed with such enormous love. I felt safe and allowed the medicine to work through me with no resistance, no fear. She made it known to me that I had nothing to fear, and that I was loved. I felt her presence. She made it known that she was with me through it all. I started out alone but quickly knew I was never alone, she is here always open to the healing of all who come to her. I am left bare and naked, where the word Gratitude is as close as I can get to expressing or pointing to something so much more than words could ever speak.
In Love, Light, and wholeness,
Thank you with so much Love , humbleness and respect,
Sincerely, Lilliam

Lilliam Morales
November 3, 2022



I used the ceremony chocolate this new years 2022 and wow. I loved it. I vape marijuana daily so the feeling of shrooms was amazing. I trust this company and have ordered more shrooms. I love them so much!!!!

February 17, 2023

Truly Life Changing


I was skeptical at first, but after trying a sample of all of the products, I found that the Awakening was perfect for me! I am a multi repeat customer and absolutely love the product.

May 2, 2022

SoulCybin is legit, great products put together with so much love


For the first time in several years I’ve been able to stop taking ADHD meds completely, microdosing has been having a really positive impact on my life it was noticeable within the first week my focus is better, and my mood, motivation, and enthusiasm with life has changed in a wonderful
The chocolates have given me great insight as to where I fit in the multiverse thank you SoulCybin for your wonderful products made with love as well as your outstanding customer service!

October 31, 2022

Restoring a deeper meaning in my Life!


I am a mom of a very energetic boy. I also suffer from clinical depression from time to time. These phases of my life leave me feeling bored with existence and apathetic sadly making it incredibly hard to be a good caretaker. I heard from a few friends to try microdosing and soulcybin was the site I came across while I researched all day and night. I’m the type that doesn’t like to jump in to something without knowing as much as there is to know and I had a good feeling about this site. I ordered a few different packages of the samples and my life immediately changed. I finally felt a deeper more spiritual connection to life. I felt more appreciation for the small things that I thought were “boring” and I related to my son so much more. I highly recommend this to anyone trying to improve their quality of life and lift any negative emotions with these products. I feel so much happier and find more meaning each day thanks to microdosing. Also customer service is the absolute best. They answer every question promptly and are very willing to help with anything you might need on your microdosing journey. It’s obvious they care greatly about helping people with this wonderful medicine. Sending a warm thanks to SoulCybin and a big recommendation to anyone on the fence.

May 2, 2022

Life changing


I am fairly new to magic mushrooms. I am at a loss for words to describe my experience with your chocolate heart, but it was ecstatic to say the least. I felt the presence of the Goddess and all her love, and my boyfriend got a contact high from being near me. One of the absolute high points of my life. Thank you for what you do.

Elizabeth Kafka
October 30, 2022

And the forest will echo with laughter.


I bought a few samples to test out. Inner Peace, Brain Booster, Adaptogen Blend, and Ceremonial Blend. I’ve had very good experiences with each one. There’s been a definite increase in focus, calmness, and just an overall feeling of well-being. At the microdose levels(100-200mg), there often shouldn’t be any perceived change with the exception of feeling good.
This has been my experience thus far with all the samples I’ve tried, with the exception of the ceremonial blend. The ceremonial blend is 500mg, so they are not really a microdose and more of a “mini dose”.
I was off work for the day and decided to try one ceremonial blend while I was working on the computer, just to see its effects. Unlike the smaller doses of the others, after about 30mins, I felt things happening with the ceremonial blend.
I felt a warm rush, a flutter in my stomach, and then just started feeling happy and started smiling(a lot).
I decided to take my dogs for a walk and everything felt wonderful!
Hearing nature, feeling the sun, hearing birds and the sounds of trees, etc. My dogs were probably wondering what the heck was going on with me because I just kept smiling and laughing on our walk through the woods.
It was magnificent!
I highly recommend SoulCybin. From my experience, their products seem high quality and legit. 🙏

March 8, 2023

A true revelation treating my depression


I have suffered from acute depression pretty much since I was a teenager. I did not start treatment until I was 27 years of age. Regular medication was working fine with me until an event that changed my life. I almost died due to the medical negligence and carelessness of the nursing staff at an ER. The event sunk me into such a deep state of depression that my psychiatrist diagnosed me with PTSD. I continue traditional medical treatment adjusting and changing some of the drugs I was originally taking. I am also an HIV survivor and have been positive for 37 years. I never developed conditions that would diagnose me with AIDS until October 2022. My physician wanted to change my HIV treatment to some experimental new treatments. I refused, I have done all the experimental treatment in the late 80s when my friend was dying, but now it was not the time, as a 61-year-old man, I thought I would let things take their course. My mental state deteriorated quite fast to the point I had to take a leave from work after being diagnosed with Bipolarity. In early November 2022, a friend of mine who had suffered post-partum-depression told me about micro-dosing using Psychedelic mushrooms, it took me some time to the idea of taking what I considered to be recreational drugs, however, I was desperate. In late November 2022, I took my first dose of Psilocybin mushroom. I took a little piece of a mushroom and lay in my bed after a few minutes I fell asleep. The next day after the most restful sleep I had in months, I woke up and went to walk my dog. I was not even aware of myself, then I started noticing that I felt a sense of calm and solace. It was a very familiar feeling. As cliché as this might sound, I felt like I was floating, I felt the cool breeze on my skin that early late November morning, the sun seem brighter, the sounds clearer and I had this feeling of well-being I had not since… when… then I realized, I had felt this same feeling another late November morning 40 years before, it was about 2 weeks after I started my first treatment with Prozac. I was the EXACT SAME FEELING! I continue to micro-dose and still do every Saturday night. My mind began to adjust to a very calming, balanced, pure feeling of well-being. This continued for months. In late February, I went back to my HIV doctor to take the blood work to determine how I was doing with the HIV medication I was refusing to change. In early March I received a call from my doctor asking me to come to the office, which seemed strange since before, he would read me the results over the phone. When I saw him, he told me that my T-Cell count was over 1200, I have never reached that level, always hovering in the low 800s, and my viral load was a mere 15 way below the 50 readings I had had for the last 20 or so years of being undetectable. He told me that he ran the test twice to be sure there was not a mistake in the readings. He was happy and told me that the medications were back “on track”. When I told him that was not “on track” it was the best results I have had in 40 years of HIV infection, he just kind of looked at me like… oh well just be happy. I was, I told him about my experimentation with Psilocybin, and he did not flat-out dismiss that as anecdotal evidence, but certainly played it down. I left that office that day, feeling the best I have felt in decades and knowing that I would continue to use Psilocybin. Today, I take the SoulCybin products, mainly the adaptogen blend with the enhancer. That in addition to my Saturday Psilocybin mushroom micro-dose has given me a new lease in life, not just my mental but my physical life. I wish all of you out there who might be reading my experience be inspired to give these products a chance. They might be the one thing that might change your life forever toward a longer, happier, and more productive one.

June 16, 2023

I am truly Blessed.


Your products are truly amazing!! I have weened my way off of my antidepressant using them.. I haven’t been this happy since I was a child!! These are simply the best products out there!! I’ve tried a few and not one has improved my well being, the way Soulcybin has!! Thank you for putting so much love into making your products. It shows everytime I take one!! I will always support you. I feel so blessed!! Thank you for helping me accomplish true happiness again.
Namaste 🙏

Beri G
April 30, 2022



It wakes up my brain, my thoughts are clear and fast! Brain Boost 150mg is the truth.

April 29, 2022

I’m very pleased with my results.


I’ve begun by taking Inner Peace on a 3 day on/4 days off cycle. I have been on one or more antidepressants for 30 years but since I’ve started this microdosing regimen, I have been able to cut my antidepressant dosage in half! Not only have there been no negative consequences, but I truly feel better than I have in years. Thank you so much for providing this amazing medicine.

April 17, 2022

Quality product and packaging


The bottles are packaged very well and the product is definitely exactly as described, I have ordered multiple times now and it has been a help to myself and others.

March 7, 2023



It’s been such a spiritual journey that I can’t explain. I have been going through a spiritual awakening and this has helped me through my process, it is a very amazing journey. I will write more I promise. Love and gratitude. The Universe is perfect.

April 17, 2022

Inner Peace


Amazing results less stress and overwhelming feeling great 30-day experience

June 6, 2023

Nothing but self-love


So great. Was a very transformative experience. Recommend for beginners and experienced.

Jay Wilson
April 16, 2022

Remedy for Creative Work Roadblocks


I deal with anxiety and depression which has prevented me often from getting creative work done. Brain booster brings me to a space where I feel bright, alert and helps me to see different angles to what I am working on. The mood lift really helps to get me up and moving (which often is the hardest part of the process). I’ve been spacing out doses and have noticed that over time it has had a long lasting all around good effect. Also, I swear my sense of smell gets better while i am doing the alternating day regimen. Highly recommended.

April 16, 2022

Life changing!


I’m so grateful for these products! The support is amazing and helpful! The delivery was perfect! Thank you!

June 5, 2023



My wife and I embarked on the journey of microdosing in November 2022 and it has truly transformed our lives. Surprisingly, we lost the urge to consume soda almost overnight and have since been craving a healthy lifestyle. Our moods have also significantly improved, making it an absolute game-changer for us. This stuff is the real deal! The only thing we wish for is the availability of LSD microdose options.

March 7, 2023

Pure Happiness!


I’m a frequent user. I love the clearance it brings me throughout my day.

April 10, 2022

Best thing I have done for myself


My entire life, I have battled deep depression as a high-functioning person. The past few years have been especially rough – I did extensive research and am beyond happy to have found Soul Cybin and the ability to microdose with your company. I cannot say enough good things about what this has done for my life.
I am HAPPY- I know that everything is going to be okay and I have never felt like that before – my entire life. If you’re thinking of trying microdosing, I recommend it 100% and SoulCybin is the premier way to do this!

Shelley M
April 9, 2022

Beautiful medicine


I started taking this medicine in 2021 and noticed an improvement in less than a month. Now, I take it as needed and I love the strengthening of my connection with the source !🙏❤️🌎

April 9, 2022

Easy, thorough, discreet


SoulCybin makes it easy to order and understand how to get started with microdosing. Everything has been super smooth, and I really appreciate the discreet packaging. I feel super comfortable and secure. Thanks very much!!

Since I’ve started microdosing, I feel more integrated and more in touch with my feelings. I’m not alone in noticing that my heart is more open, more often. It’s been a beautiful beginning, and I’m excited to see where the next phase will take me.

March 5, 2023

An amazing erotic awakening


Microdosing has given my wife and I a new outlook on our lives together and provided us with a new sexual awakening. We have had nothing but positive experiences with Soulcybin and they have a longterm customer with us. Thank you for such wonderful products that give such positive experiences.

April 8, 2022

A solution other than more pills


I wasn’t sure about microdosing in the beginning. I’ve been battling severe depression and general anxiety disorder for years, and “managing” with conventional medication. Yet, there were ups and downs in mood that could be debilitating and I could see the strain on relationships, work, and life in general. So I gave SoulCybin a try and started with the Brain Booster—total difference. Yes, I still take my meds, but microdosing has eliminated any need for extra medication. Those highs and lows have stopped, and it’s such a relief.
I was honestly a bit worried about trying this in the beginning, but I’m glad I did and have recommended it to some close family and friends who deal with similar issues.

July 25, 2023

It’s the real deal!


I was very skeptical when I put in my first order, but now, three orders later, I know this is the real deal. I love how this company compassionately serves, despite obstacles, so that we may have access to this healing medicine. I am in my early 50s and just came out of the worst decade of my life. I had three life-threatening illnesses (meningitis, stroke, brain aneurysm) that stole over 3 years of my life and left me in chronic pain, I watched my husband die at his own hand, and then when I thought I rebuilt my life with someone new and beloved, the pandemic tore it apart. Needless to say, depression is a familiar space for me and I’ve thought about ending it. I did not want to go on SSRIs. Been there, done that, and I don’t feel antidepressants are a solution. This medicine was my last hope and it has not disappointed me. I am holding steady and have even been able to connect with joy and laughter. I have been lifted to a new place that is lighter and airy. I have had one ceremonial journey and may journey again if I feel called to it. For now, I will continue to microdose. Thank you Soul Cybin for bringing me back to life.

April 8, 2022

Life Long PTSD resolved at 60 – LIFE CHANGING!


I have suffered with PTSD for the majority of my life due to childhood abuse. I spent many years on antidepressants, therapy, and other prescription meds which seem to only cover up the problem and cause additional side effects. After finding SoulCybin and using Inner Peace for over a year now I have none of the issues I have suffered with all my life of 60yrs. No matter whether it’s depression, anxiety, bi-polar, PTSD, OCD, over eating, etc.; I believe whole heartedly this form of treatment will change your life for the better! I highly recommend this company and it’s products!

September 30, 2021

Learning about microdosing


I’m going through an exceedingly stressful time of life right now, with having to move my household of 14 years, start a heart-led business and move to where I’ve been dreaming of living. All those are very positive but the clearing, cleaning, and leaving behind process evoke all my fear-based thinking. So, if I amplify what’s on my heart with medicine it can be a little uncomfortable. I’ve found that since my initial ceremony, which literally required me to take a monster dose to let go, my body has become much more sensitive to the medicine since then. Now I’m seeing that I probably need much smaller microbuses than what I’d purchased.

I’m having to find my way with the medicine intuitively and by trial and error. I”m also releasing at the same time much indoctrinated negative thinking about the medicine. Some of it is pragmatically based, most of it is irrational and not serving my best interests and I know that’s just part of active, conscious releasing and making new, better choices for myself.

I’m also seeing that the medicine gives me a powerful opportunity to support my efforts to reprogram a bit of my thinking-feeling patterns. Prior to microdosing, which I’m choosing to do now once a week on a more quiet, less interrupted day (what’s that in the middle of moving!), I can set certain intentions and fortify them with affirmations or mantras of my choosing, from which am shown clear resonances in my life as it moves forward from there, helping me to recognize where I am being guided and supported, and noticing also when I’ve strayed from my path, without judgment.

All-in-all I think it’s important that we share as much as possible about our journeys. Thank you for this opportunity. My life is flowing much more synchronistically in beautiful ways for which I am deeply grateful. But support is very important, and the reinforcement of our togetherness. Thank you!

March 4, 2023

Continual Flow State of Creation


I’m a music producer. The SoulCybin products, especially Brain Booster, have greatly helped me stay in a continual state of flow during my sessions, while at the same time, allowing me to drill down deeper into the details of the music and the production process itself to the point where I find myself doing really creative things that I’ve never done before. I believe these products are helping me create better music. In addition, my overall mood has been trending more towards happiness and satisfaction in my life and marriage since I’ve been using these products. I now love bringing my wife her morning tea in bed each day, and I’m doing all the dishes with a smile on my face.

Seth Bartlet
September 30, 2021

Never laughed so hard!


I ate 2 of the 2.5 gram ceremony chocolates. Had no expectations! They were very good. Nice body feel. Some visuals. The best part was 3-4 hours of laughter. I have never laughed so hard. Will definitely try them again! Thank you.

February 3, 2023

180° Difference


I’m left without words when I try explain the change microdosing has done for me. It’s completely revived and unlocked my ability to feel joy, endure hardships, and be fully present and alive. How is it that this medicine hasn’t been available any sooner? I’m truly grateful for Soulcybin.

Steve B
September 30, 2021

Miraculous Medicine – would have saved thousands on doctors!!!


I spent so much time researching, reading, watching lectures and examining results of clinical and research trials on the benefits and risks of trying micro dosing this medication. Being in the medical field, it was important I know if the benefits out weighed risks. I could not find cases of any permeant or damaging harm to the brain. Quite the opposite , very interesting to watch the neuropathways and neurons that start to communicate, when this medicine is used in appropriate amounts. I can honestly say for myself that after 3 days of the this medicine , I can see and feel a difference in how present I am, and how elevated my mood is. I am enjoying and noticing the simple yet beautiful things in life again, and my son has been more engaging , sensing I am more present. I also didn’t need any prescription meds for the past 4 days, not recommending this, just stating I personally have not needed it. I plan to continue the 3 days with the medicine, 4 days without and speak to my health care provider about getting off the prescribed meds, if they are still not needed at that time. If I had an adult child suffering from issues such as; MDD/Bipolar, etc. I would 1000% try this specific plant medicine over laboratory medicine. Miraculous , and I feel so grateful to have found this loving, compassionate, responsive company to work with. Excellent customer service, time appropriate responses, and well well worth the extended delivery dates ( just for now, I’m sure ! ). Thank you so much SoulCybin, your caring and lovingness for people is evident with each correspondence and each order.

September 30, 2021

Real deal


I’ve been a client of Soulcybin for several months and I couldn’t be more impressed with the quality and consistency of the products and services. My mood and anxiety have been the best and most stable of my entire adult life since starting microdosing, and Soulcybin has enabled me to do this, and I’m forever grateful. My only request would be to offer a membership that allows for automatic refills at a discount for repeat clients.

March 4, 2023

Don’t give up


I have battled major depressive disorder, anxiety, panic attacks, and multiple disabling physical health problems my whole life. I’ve seen a ton of mental health professionals, taking thousands of pills, been hospitalized, and even made 3 suicide attempts because of all of this. I was at my wit’s end when I decided to try psychedelic therapy. I did all my research, contacted numerous groups, and professionals, and talked to my psychologist, my psychiatrist, and my therapist. I did everything I was supposed to do before ordering my sample packs. When I got them, I took everything like I was supposed to, did my intentions, meditated, everything. Still wasn’t working. I got upset after waiting this long, doing everything by the book, and nothing seemed like it was working. So, I decided to take a microdose. I had nothing to lose at this point. I was ready and needed something to change. That actually did the trick. I could write a book about the effect this has had on my life! But I’m gonna keep it short and say don’t give up! Keep trying different doses, keep meditating, and keep the faith because it WILL happen! And believe me, it is WELL worth everything you go through to get to that point! This has literally saved my life! Keep trying, and don’t give up, it really does work and you will definitely see a change!

July 22, 2023

Helping me through Grad School


It took a while for them to get here, but it was worth the wait. I’ve been taking the 50mg capsules to help me with my final assignments this quarter, and I really can’t believe how helpful they are. I’ve always had trouble focusing and at one point was prescribed medication for ADHD. However, those meds just made me feel anxious and like I couldn’t control my point of focus. The SoulCybin capsules just give me a smooth, calm focus and reunite me with my body at the same time. Love them. And so glad that I have access to an all-natural alternative 🙂 very appreciative of the work SoulCybin is doing!

September 21, 2021

I love this company and product!


This is an amazing company and a great product. This product has helped me through my days help me heal myself and transform my life while I’m battling cancer on chemotherapy for melanoma brain tumors and this product has got me through my days and made me so happy I will continue buying and taking this product and recommend it to all my friends and family

October 8, 2021

Great results


I am so thankful for Soul Cybin. It is great to be able to order this medicine and know you’re getting a high-quality product. I think the biggest benefit for me is my mind is so much calmer. Before my racing mind would cause me anxiety, stress, and fatigue. A week after starting inner peace it hit me I wasn’t overthinking, and after a month, it was rarely an issue. I’ve been using these products for over a year and they are worth every penny. Highly recommend trying the Inner Peace and Ceremonial Blend. Read the info provided on the website for correct usage and best results.

March 2, 2023

Incredibly Helpful!


Between working full time and raising kids, I find myself incredibly stressed out and have been battling PPD/PPA.

October 8, 2021

Creating Sweeter Music with a new found Inner Peace


I’m a saxophone player and after taking the prescribed dosage of Inner Peace I’m more aware of the sounds that I’ve been making and now I’m able to create even more.

October 8, 2021

Feeling Better than I Ever Have


I am using microdosing to aid me in tapering off of antidepressants so I can have a guided psylocibin journey. So far, it has been helpful and I am not having any adverse effects from tapering. In fact, I feel better than I ever have. I know that sounds crazy, but that’s how I feel. Much easier to deal with depressive thoughts, no deep dives into depression. I am using the 100 mg Adaptogen and next time will try the 150 mg to see if it will aid in creativity.

October 8, 2021

Soul Greatful


These capsules gently smooth out the rough psychic edges that poke and prod in my daily life. They just let life be more real, right now, and less driven by my anxious imaginings.

October 8, 2021

I still can’t believe it…


I have pain in the left side of my face and jaw due to Trigeminal Neuralgia. It often made me depressed so I thought I would try microdosing. It has been a pleasant energy focused and calming experience.

October 8, 2021

This is Life Changing!


I was a bit nervous about trying this for my issues, sleep issues, forgetting to eat and also anxiety. I noticed a difference in my mood the very next day after I tried it and with every dose it gets better and better. I was able to cut out so many extra vitamins or pills that I normally would have to take in order to just do normal daily activities. If you are nervous about trying this don’t be. I have had zero side effects and I’ve been using this product for a few months. It is life changing!

September 30, 2021

A Miracle


After experiencing a crushing, prolonged depression I decided to try microdosing despite having never tried anything even remotely like it. My god, why didn’t I try earlier? This has had such a dramatic effect on my happiness while allowing me to fully function again. I cannot recommend this enough to anyone suffering. Just give it a try. I am so thankful for this product.

September 30, 2021

Life Changing for relationship


Recently used this with my fiancé and it really helped strengthen our communication and understanding of each other. Brought us closer together than ever!

September 30, 2021

Uplifts the Mind & Spirit to a Higher Level


This is a good addition to my medicine cabinet, and I’m glad this is now more freely available. Helps to uplift the mind and spirit to a higher level, innocently enough.

September 30, 2021

Parent Now Motivated with Playful Positive Energy


I started microdosing “Mental Clarity” and even though I had to adjust the dosage and be patient, I felt more positive energy almost immediately. I was able to use my creative energy with less inhibition and play with my kids more freely without feeling the stress of being an “adult” in that moment of play. I urge anyone who has unmanageable stress in their life, depression and anxiety to try microdosing if they have the right medical history for it. Don’t give up and try different doses and dosing schedules!

September 30, 2021

Tapering of meds


Huge help with tapering off psych meds. Never been able to but SUCCESS(!!!!) with a softened calm feeling. Customer service was great (and I’m extremely picky about customer service).

February 27, 2023

Mother of four finally found help


I’ve struggled with myself on many levels my entire being. For as long as I can remember. Soul cybin is the only thing that has helped me feel truly happy on a day to day basis. I started out with the sample packs. 3 different kinds at 100 mgs and also the ceremonial blend. I microdose about every 2 weeks and it keeps me intensely creative. For the first time in my life I’m drawing again, painting, , creating taxidermy artwork again, rock hunting and park exploring with my children again. I can finally help my kids with all the home school they are required to do because of covid. I’m the best mom I have ever been because of this medicine. Highly recommend and will be a lifetime customer

Mary Laws
January 12, 2021

Miracle my family has waited on


I wanted to wait a little before reviewing to make sure the results weren’t just a fluke. I’ve been severely depressed and bedridden the past two years, due to the divorce of a 20 year marriage. I even tried ending my life a few times in which I was rescued. After a week of taking microdoses of 200mg twice in one week, I’m a completely different person. My kids finally have their mom back! Truly one of earth’s miracles.

December 27, 2020

Great Product


The Brain Booster is a Great Product! I feel it working while repairing my neurotransmitters. It’s a very effective cognitive enhancer, indeed. I am a top executive and it helps improve my mental performance and finding a “turbo powered” version of my capabilities.

R. Duke
December 23, 2020

This is real medicine


Microdosing mushrooms did wonders for my depression and anxiety! This isn’t just hippy dippy nonsense. This is real medicine.

Jorvo B
February 4, 2021



After menopause, I had mood swings, fatigue, night sweats, and more. This has DEFINITELY been a positive journey for me. I feel so much better both physically and spiritually.
It is amazing.

Janine Janvier
January 2, 2021



My friends and I are so thankful for your company and amazing products. The positive changes happened so quickly for me. I first noticed an elevated positive mood and extra energy. After a few weeks I started to notice it was keeping the outside noise out. I was able to stay on task, be creative and sharp. I’m able to have compassion and look at things from different perspectives. I went from 3 cups of coffee a day to now maybe a half a cup max. I have not experienced anxiety or depression for almost 6 months. I am so excited to be a part of this mental health revolution.

Chesley Wilmarth
January 28, 2021

Helping with family loss


In November my mom became hospitalized and unfortunately passed in December. Rather than finding myself grieving, I found it better to celebrate her life.
I found it much easier to move forward with a small microdose a couple of days a week. It has kept any especially tough days or thoughts dealt with more easily.

Thanks for getting this medicine into more mainstream attention.

Best Thoughts

February 20, 2023

Filled with empathy and love


About the 100 mg Inner Peace: I wasn’t sure what 1 capsule would do so I set aside some quiet time, avoided eating a large meal and tried one. Within 40 minutes I experienced a very pleasant state, with what you might call “cosmic thoughts and emotions” filled with empathy and love towards, well, everything.
I couldn’t believe this product could produce a feeling so uplifting and yet mellow. At no time did I feel any loss of control or negative anything.
Beyond pleasant. Beyond recreational.

March 14, 2021

Loving my two sample packs


I got a sample pack of the brain booster and inner peace, both have been pretty good for me and impactful in my day to day life. They’re not immediate cures by any means and the 100 mg inner peace did give me a bit of anxiety(perhaps too strong) but it definitely makes doing the work I need to do for myself a bit easier and that counts for a lot.

September 27, 2021

Depression Stopped!


After micro dosing for a week I no longer feel the depression that used to drag me down! Thank you soulcybin !

February 24, 2021

Best Experience of my Sons life!


I sent my Son 3 100MG’s he took one. 4 hours later he said it was the best experience of his life. His brain and mind were so clean and sharp. Now he knows what’s it all about.


Edward Small
February 17, 2021

Serenity Capsules – Simply amazing results


I am pretty new to micro dosing, these products I use are uplifting, calming, just simply amazing results! I couldn’t be happier, I am a very happy customer, and I would HIGHLY Recommend giving it a try, if you already haven’t. Each blend serves amazing results, especially if your intention matches the blend!!!

February 10, 2021

Quit Smoking


My micro dosing gave me a different perspective of a view I already had and helped me quit smoking, Thank you soulcybin !

February 9, 2021

Adult ADHD seems gone


I tried a three months microdosing schedule for my wife who had crippling ADHD. She was a barely functioning adult. After that she was able to get to school, got her degree in electromechanics and is a highly functional adult. ADHD seems to be gone.

Nicolas M
February 4, 2021

I am a trauma survivor.


I am a trauma survivor. I have been in trauma therapy for three years. I am lucky to have the resources to have such comprehensive therapy but I felt like I had hit a wall. I’ve been heavily medicated to treat symptoms of PTSD for as long as I’ve been in therapy. I want to stop taking all my prescription medications eventually and stop feeling weighed down.

After reading a ton of information about holistic treatments for PTSD and trauma I decided I wanted to try something different. That led me to SoulCybin’s ceremonial blend. I prepared my space, my bedroom to be exact, which is already sacred space. My husband agreed to look after me if I needed him. I set my intentions for healing the parts of myself that most needed it and off I went. I was taken on an incredible journey that, even two months later, I am processing. In fact, it made such a profound difference in my perspective that I am now starting microdosing. My hope is that with time and this powerful medicine I can heal the parts of myself I so deeply want to heal.

I am attaching a painting I did that was inspired by my experience.

March 13, 2023

I have truly reaped


I have truly reaped the benefits of your amazing products! I’m a second-year medical student and your “focus” blend has powered me through long study days and kept my mental health well and glowing 🙂

Diane Salem
February 18, 2023

Life changing!!!


Micro dosing has changed my life and for the better. It has helped my music practice. It is also helping me deal with psychological issues . I have found I can control unwelcome thought patterns and Pause before reacting to things . Thank You for making this available for people . The timing of learning of your company couldn’t have been better . I am forever grateful. HH

February 25, 2021

The Ceremonial Blend is AMAZING!!!


The ceremonial blend was amazing; as powerful as a mushroom eaten whole!

Doug Smith
February 24, 2021

I’m blown away!


I have had tinnitus from early childhood, worsened by gunfire and machinery, motors, working in the shop and lots of metal grinding with my job. My hearing was terrible.
This is just insane to me, after only TWO doses of 0.2g and I can barely even focus hard enough to hear the ringing, even in complete silence it’s hardly there. It’s burdened me for years and interrupted my sleep, and also can’t hear well in crowded areas with background noise, and I don’t think my hearing got any better but just the constant monotone ringing is damn near gone. This isn’t even why I decided to try micro dosing but just a noticed effect from the last 2 days. I’m blown away!

Martin T
February 4, 2021

I have hope!


So context here is I am a “high functioning” ADHD with a very successful career but it requires a ton of stimulant meds that create severe and persistent crushing anxiety, and it leaves no energy for my family and personal relationships. I also have a ton of experience with hallucinogens but not as medication, and only in higher quantities.
Took my first microdose today and it was, by far, the most effective medication I’ve ever experienced. It was like all the areas of my brain that are usually so hard to work with just became softer. The anxiety became easily manageable, but it has also increased my ability to focus and process information…. kind of everything. I don’t know if this is sustainable, but I have hope!!

February 4, 2021

Migraine Relief


I’ve ben dealing with migraines and confusion since I started taking th brain boost, I feel a calm peaceful relief, I feel so much better Thank you so much!

February 10, 2021

Great product and customer service


The products are phenomenal. I’ve sent so many people to SoulCybin, and they all have had great results: less anxiety, depression lifted, more creativity, and expanded outlook. Keep up the fantastic work!

March 10, 2023

Helped me tremendously


Microdosing has helped me tremendously. From being unable to leave the house and being in bed 20 hours a day, I am now doing 150% workload of courses at university while getting a degree in Computer Science.

Mage L
February 4, 2021

Helps in more ways than anticipated!


I initially started micro dosing to help me with mind frame around getting off opiates, it was one strategy of several. Not only did it help me get a better / more healthy way of thinking about my road ahead, but I noticed I was choosing things in my day to day that were the “better” choice for my mental, physical, or emotional well being. I noticed I was more of a decision maker, for the right reasons, with micro dosing. I am not a doctor or any kind of professional in that regard, but I shoot straight. I don’t always love the first stage of the psilocybin – I get cold and almost like my body wants to try and warm itself, I just always put a blanket around me before it hits. Then, for me, I go through a small window of feeling tired, when I was getting clean, this was a perfect time to get some restful sleep even if just for an hour or two, but that was me. Don’t get nervous if you hit a stage that isn’t real comfortable, relax, it will adjust and before long, you are calm and in thought. I work to have positivity around me when under the effects because environment can be everything – Set and Setting. I strongly urge you to read the Ceremonial Guide. My personal favorites are Inner Peace, Ceremonial Blend and Amplifier.

January 31, 2021

Greater Focus


I was skeptical and nervous before trying my hand at microdosing, but wanted to experience it firsthand so that I knew the effects without any middleman or filter. I am glad that I did. I have noticed that I have more energy, and am more focused. My negative thoughts have abated, and I feel more relaxed and at ease with just about everything. I have had a great experience, and plan to continue using these products.

January 20, 2021

Great product, wonderful customer service


I have purchased product twice. Once sample packs to sample doses and then to order my correct doses. the product was really good and more importantly I KNEW exactly what I was taking. i did have a few questions and found the staff to be quick with answers. A really good experience. i do wish they also sold macro doses for emergency self healing.

Lynn S
January 20, 2021

Feeling better/more confident


I have not smoked since being on my ceremonial blend, And I’ve been able to hold my head high, I feel better after my experiences! I’m going to recommend this product to my wife. This is something everyone should experience at least once. It definitely gets rid of depression. Love it!

January 15, 2021

Pleased with my experiences


I have made two purchases now at Soulcybin and am very happy with both transactions. The customer service was very fast and respectful and shipping was easily tracked. I started to use Inner Peace as part of a microdose experience and have found positive change in my overall energy level and emotions. I am happy that I have found Soulcybin and know my winter will be so much better!

Nicole Stevenson
December 30, 2020

Amazing for healing trauma


I have been microdosing the products from SoulCybin for the last few months. For the last 7 years, I had been committed to healing from previous trauma and in guiding my body, mind and spirit into a deeper state of peace and clarity. These products have helped me immensely in releasing deep cellular trauma and in facing aspects of myself that are not always comfortable. Microdosing SoulCybin products has helped me to experience a deeper and more embodied level of support that allow me to feel connected and held by Mother Nature herself.

December 29, 2020

Great product


First order came fast and quality of product was great!!

Todd Truesell
December 29, 2020



The Brain booster was something very different than I was expecting, in actuality I enjoyed that particular blend the most. It had me mentally stimulated in a way I can’t truly put into words, but I would say it made me want to pursue mathematic equations when I don’t even like math.

Joseph Pangelinan
December 28, 2020

Love it


Recomendet 100% Thank You ❤️

December 28, 2020

Mind changing


I’ve been dealing with depression and anxiety for many years and have been taking prescribed meds to try to deal with it which have many side effects. So I started looking for a more natural way to deal and feel so I could heal instead of numbing my feelings with prescription pills. I heard about micro dosing n thought to myself this is exactly what I’m looking for So as I was researching micro dosing and how to grow mushrooms lol soul cybin popped up w good reviews so I decided to order a sample packet first just to try well it got lost in the mail. Customer service was excellent and they sent me a new packet no questions asked. Well the day after I got my sample pack the one that was lost in the mail for a month came so I had 2 weeks of trial n I love it. I feel like I’ve stepped out of my haze and see things so much clearly now . I’m not going to lie it was rough weening/detoxing myself from pain meds, anxiety and anti depressants but I’m starting to feel like me again with the help of soul cybin and so happy I decided to try it.

December 26, 2020

Honey with Intention


After safely weaning off of antidepressants and SSRIs, I began microdosing psilocybin to continue (or truly begin) my healing journey. I have been amazed at how much more true progress I’ve made with psilocybin compared to everything mainstream I’ve tried in the past. Each interaction with the people at Soulcybin has been so sweet and kind. I have been using their honey and love it. It comes thoughtfully packaged with dosing options on the jar and arrived in a box with a card with words of well-wishing and a beautiful agate stone. I like that it’s tasty and discreet, and I feel much more calm, empathetic, and focused on my microdosing days, following an intuitive dosing schedule. I find myself naturally taking a deep breath and dropping my shoulders from their usual tense position about 30 minutes after enjoying the honey. My partner and I have moved from having arguments to having level-headed disagreements instead. It’s incredible. Thank you, Soulcybin, for fighting the good fight and making this magic available to everyone.

February 11, 2023

Thanks for being there


Great product. Thank you all for being there I will be ordering again for sure👍☺

December 25, 2020

Truly Transformative


The power of microdosing is beyond words, though I will do my best to honor the wisdom within the experience. I have suffered from depression that I have cycled through many times. I have done my best to find my life’s purpose, eat healthy, do Tai Chi, meditate, and do as many self-betterment practices as possible- journaling, practicing gratitude, and more esoteric practices within Taoism. These practices within Taoism of going with the flow of life actually drew me towards microdosing in the first place, and I delved into microdosing before trying SoulCybin’s products. So, I had a base understanding of what I was getting myself into with plant medicine and its beautiful, transformative, mind-expanding effects. I chose to get the sampler packs to be able to try a bit of every product they have. I have taken the inner peace and brain booster capsules. The inner peace capsules I took out in nature and truly felt at one with all that is around me and had a profound day of inner transformation and realization of my purpose here and unity with the universe. I also enjoyed the brain booster capsules, as I feel extremely focused, though open and receptive to what is going on around me, enjoying every aspect of my experience. I highly recommend these products to anyone looking to expand their consciousness and heal.

December 27, 2020

Amazing Results


These products have helped me with managing pain, anxiety, and overall well-being! Highly recommend for anyone doing with these things or feeling stuck. Great company!

February 9, 2023

Relieved depression/ Improved cognition


I sampled all 3 blends and loved them all, but decided to go with Brain Booster. I suffer from depression and brain fog so this really seemed like the right fit for me. After 4 weeks I noticed a huge improvement in my mood. My depression was virtually gone and I just feel happier and more energized. Also my mind feels more focused and I have more ease finding the words I am looking for. I definitely feel that my concentration has improved overall. My brain really came alive and I’m loving it! And I’m so pleased to have achieved these results with the plant medicine! Give this a shot, you won’t regret it!

Katie D.
December 26, 2020



My moods typically go south at the end of October. This yer was much the same. Having read about microdosing and the apparent success people seem to be having with offfsetting depression, I thout Id give it a go.
I am happy to report it is wrking for me, and with no wierd side effects, or residual problems. Easy as pie. I started off with small doses and up’d them over time to where i felt the most positive gain over the follwing days. I did try the syrian rue as well with positive results.
Im a beleiver now. Natural positive energy, a clean head so work can flow as expected, and no more winter blues as I wait 6 months for the sun to return. Winter is flying by now!
Thanks to the team. Give thanks, and praise.

Bill in Boston
December 25, 2020

Life Changing


I have been microdosing for a little over a month now and I can tell you the positive impacts and benefits were noticeable almost immediately. As someone who has suffered from anxiety and mild depression for most of my life, the biggest game-changer has been the ability to turn off negative emotions such as sadness or anxiety or anger. Also, just a greater appreciation for the world around me.

December 24, 2020



I have been way more productive on the brain booster “mental mastery”. I honestly was skeptical at first, but this stuff really works!

December 24, 2020

Great Results


I am going through a divorce and wanted to try micro-dosing to see if it would help with emotional rollercoaster I’ve been on. It has helped quite a bit. It has helped me be introspective and look at myself and try to find peace. I feel much better-less emotional swings and having acceptance. Worked for me!

Steve H
December 24, 2020

a brave new world


Soul Cybin is legit. This product helps unlock doors you didn’t even know were there.

December 24, 2020

Great so far. Adaptogen.


I like the Adaptogen blend. So far I’ve been micro dosing every 3 days. It helps with my mood and depression. Thank you.

Joey A
December 24, 2020

Meaningful relief


Thank you for a quality product!
I’ve experienced a fair bit of stress this year like so many of us. A combination of business stress and social isolation manifested as a deepening depression. I’m more than pleased with nearly instant relief from your product, without intoxication or other side effects.
I’ve already made my second order and am singing your praises to my immediate circle of friends. Keep up your good work. Thank you, K.

Keith, San Diego
December 24, 2020

Professional Product


When I first received my purchase I was impressed with the professional packaging. I continue to sample the product. Happy to have found a source that I feel comfortable with. Thank you!

Teresa Petersen
December 24, 2020

Couldn’t ask for more!


Inner Peace and Mental Mastery have been so helpful with focus and stress. Setting the mindset and intentions prior to taking them helps as well. Would highly recommend!

January 16, 2023

Amazing, professional, quick


Soul Cybin has been nothing but an excellent, professional, and prompt service. Their products are quality and thoughtfully packaged. Highly recommend!

January 16, 2023

Great customer service and quality products


I originally bought a couple of 3 packs to help me determine which product would be good for me; this is the perfect way to sample each of their strengths. I tried each one at the lowest doses and gradually ordered a bit more until I found “my jam”. I use Brain Booster while I am in school and then when I feel I need some Inner Peace, I take those at the lowest dosages. I can’t say enough about how my physical and mental health has increased. My appetite has been curbed and I feel that I want to eat healthier foods; my mental health has improved the most. I was fighting decades-long depression and within just a couple of days, I felt more at peace and connected to people around me. The products are high quality and fairly priced. You have a customer for life! Thank you for your commitment to helping others.

January 15, 2023

Incredible healing and spiritual connection


This was my first time with this powerful plant medicine. I am really grateful. The journey was incredible and allowed me to connect to inner child and heal the deep sadness and core belief ” I am not worthy of love” The medicine has shown me spiritual growth. My body, time, space has dissolved which is hard to use words to explain , but it was an amazing and I saw colors, vibrations and felt blissful and very peaceful.

I have received a messages from my higher self and other souls . I felt unity with universe and love. I was guided on to do to continue the healing journey and how to serve others. Amazing and very powerful. Highly recommend

January 13, 2023



I bought a sample pack of the Inner Peace to try before I decided to buy a full order. I have to say I was very surprised by how fast my package came!! It was delivered promptly with no issues. It was in sealed and discreet packaging. I really enjoyed the Inner Peace samples and plan to be purchasing more in the future. I felt so much more focused and calm during the time I was taking them and after. I feel it would be helpful to continue to reduce the anxiety that I experience on a daily basis.

January 9, 2023

Wonderful experience


My wife and I tried the Ceremonial Blend and had a wonderful experience. Soulcybin’s customer service was amazing, since this was our first experience I had several questions and they were very responsive. The quality of the product as well as the dosage was perfect for us, we plan to make another purchase soon! The Ceremonial Blend was very relaxing and had a profound and positive impact, the effect it had on us was very gentile and wonderful.

Tim M
December 23, 2020

Great exciting product!


I am a mental health therapist and just learning about the benefits of psylosibin therapy with people who live with anxiety, depression, PTSD and end of life prognosis’. My personal experience with Soulcybin microdoses affirmed this. Thank you.

December 23, 2020

Amazing product I highly recommend


I’m on chemotherapy for 2 years now and these have definitely improved my attitude motivation and life all around, along with these and lions made mushrooms and turkey-tailed mushrooms I have shrunk my tumors in my brain and my body and I am one of the longest living melanoma survivors at the huntsman Cancer institute

Brett Jeppson
December 23, 2020

Helping me re-establish myself


Soul Cybin has been excellent in my journey to find my inner purpose and has helped me tremendously with life’s anxiety and challenges. I have been micro-dosing Soul Cybin’s members benefit and I have found them tremendous. What was once monotonous work and life is now more exciting, and I feel I actually have a purpose. I have loved this process and will only use Soul Cybin as my vendor. 10/10!

Ryan K
January 8, 2023

Transformative Beyond Anything Else I’ve Experienced


I’ve been coping with clinical depression,various other issues, and dissatisfaction with everything for several years now, and been put on many different medications, treatments and therapy, including Ketamine. Despite all of this, I still felt a sense of disconnection from my own life and a deeply rooted unhappiness and confusion with everything. This fantastic medicine has allowed me to shed all that kept me from enjoying life and doing the things I’ve always wanted to do. Not only that, but it’s helped me to feel comfortable with mortality and the human experience in general. l cannot express how much this medicine changed my life, I could not more highly recommend anything to anyone in a similar place. If you haven’t yet, give yourself this opportunity. You will not regret it.

December 20, 2020

An alternative to psychotropic drugs


Micro dosing at 250 mg has been extremely effective for me. My schedule is dosing one day then two days off. I suggested trying the sample packs like I did to gauge what dosage is the best for you. The most gratifying benefit of psilocybin is no side effects such as the laundry list that comes with medications such as SSRI’s.

December 19, 2020

Life is enjoyable now


I’ve been microdosing since October of 2022. I go with my instincts I typically give myself two to three day breaks in between or if I’m really feeling needy I go 3 days on 4 days off or vice versa. I can’t even tell you how amazed I am with my results so far it’s unbelievable. The people around me that are closest to me are noticing at the most. I’m more calmer. Much more calmer and I feel like I can think things through now before I speak or before I move versus just reacting. The world looks better the clouds look more beautiful. You get the point I could go on and on and on. I’ve had no negative effects you just have to make sure you don’t take too much because it will make you not move typically. 😂 That is the only issue I’ve seen I took 500 once on accident and didn’t get out of my chair for 6 hours. I ate a chocolate on Christmas and that was amazing. The thoughts that went through my mind and the amount of therapy I did with myself that day from that 2.5 gram dose was phenomenal. Psilocybin has changed my life if there wasn’t a stigma still in the medical community I wouldn’t hide it as much. I wish I could scream it to the world and put in a bunch of referrals technically even though I’ve been referring people back and forth on the down low.

January 8, 2023

100% Valuable & Helpful


I’m “experienced”. (a 60’s term) Been many years, but the reasons are now different and more mature.

Soulcybin delivers a fantastic product, suitable for everyone because of the various dosages. The packaging, personal email customer service, and love put into the whole effort is tangible. They are not over-sized so as to lose the personal touch, but instead, make me feel like I am a cred for individual.

The natural product itself, being a micro-dosable medicine is a great help to anyone who wants to rid themselves of the things that we know deep inside, are actually not that needful. The blends are perfectly chosen so as to help make thoughts more aligned, more organized, and energies more efficient without hyperactivity. In other words, a better more holistic approach and take on life itself, the sense of being.

I am preparing to use the chocolates for an even more enlightening experience and look forward to the growth and enlightenment that come with healing. I have no false expectations of unicorns and rainbows, but am also aware of the range of emotions, healing powers, and ultimate self-awareness and personal growth that comes with it. I WANT that and SoulCybin is assisting with that endeavor. I appreciate that and will continue to enjoy my life in a better more peaceful, tranquil way with the addition of plant medicine vs. big-pharma addictive prescriptions. This is something YOU as an individual can personally regulate to your needs exactly.

With love, respect, and care,


January 8, 2023



This powerful medicine has truly changed my life. I no longer take Anti-depressants and I feel I have so much a better understanding of who I am and who I strive to be. Life is a journey and I am excited every day.

January 7, 2023

A True Spiritual Experience


I have purchased products from SoulCybin on multiple occasions and have benefitted greatly each time. Micro-dosing has allowed me to find serenity in everyday life and focus on my work in the music industry. I no longer take any pharmaceuticals that really weren’t working anyway.

I’ve also taken a spiritual journey with a dose of Ceremonial chocolates. I followed the provided Ceremonial Guide and listened to the SoulCybin curated playlist on Spotify on NYE 2022. This is where I found pure love and ultimate consciousness. There are no words to describe the transformation that took place for me. This awakening allowed me to discover and discard thoughts and feelings that have held me back for years, as well as discover new perceptions of spirituality moving forward. I am so grateful for what these medicines have given me. 🙏 Thank you!!

Billy B
January 7, 2023

Very positive experience


I bought some of the Inner Peace blend for my wife and she’s mentioned it’s really been a game changer for her. She feels more focused and less anxious and has also reported that any feelings of ego have pretty much gone away. Will plan to purchase more.

January 7, 2023

A wonderful experience, from order to journey


My experience with SoulCybin has been amazing. The ordering process was easy and transparent. The education they provided helped prepare me for my first experience with the Ceremonial Blend. Most importantly, the Ceremonial Blend lived up to their claims. It provided a life-changing journey. I learned things about myself that continue to help me every day, long past the actual journey. Genuinely a life-changing experience. I will absolutely be ordering more for my next journey!

January 4, 2023

Transformational for my friend with ALS – and for me!


I was looking to help a friend with ALS alleviate his end-of-life anxiety. I had been aware of the new psychedelic movement for some time and had discussed psilocybin as a path to helping him with anxiety over a year ago, but I had trouble locating a credible source.

I tried the products initially to ensure a safe experience for him and was blown away by the transformational nature of the experience and will continue to microdose as part of a regimen to improve my mental health and well-being.

My friend has not only experienced reduced anxiety, but no longer relies on morphine and has experienced some symptom improvement, including better response in the areas of his body that were still “alive” to him, he was able to dial his ventilator back to a lower setting, and his overall quality of life has noticeably improved.

I was hesitant to post anything initially because we weren’t sure if the effects were placebo based, anecdotal, unsustainable, or the result of something else in his regimen. After more than a month, it’s clear to us now that there’s an impact attributable to psilocybin happening here. We look forward to continued microdosing and moving to higher doses to help him cope better with his condition.

January 3, 2023



I purchased “Inner Peace – The Awakening”, and I had a really excellent experience. It was my first purchase with this company, and I was surprised at the effects. After taking each dose, I felt more able to deal with stress in my life. I also felt more compassion and I felt my emotions more deeply. I am very pleased with this product, and I will be purchasing again.

December 17, 2020

I feel so much better


This past year has been very tough mentally. Although I was able to keep my job, I was forced to work from home. i was excited about it but came to realize very quickly that i am indeed a people person. I began down a very dark path. I was so depressed and anxious about nearly everything in my life. I even had a plan for suicide. During this time of darkness, I watched a show on Netflix called The Midnight Gospel. In the show they mention micro-dosing. I had heard of this before, but it was then i decided to really dive into it. I did all the research i could possibly do, the only thing left was to try it on myself. At first, I was going to try and grow the mushrooms myself but then what if it didn’t help me? and what if i did all that work for nothing and was out all the money I’d put into it. Some how, I stumbled on Soul Cybin. THIS IS PERFECT I thought! and it has been. I love it, I feel better, my attitude on life is MUCH better, I am finding joy in things Id used to love to do again. I do find myself napping on the days of my doses though. they’re not small naps either, they’re 3 to 4 hour naps. VERY vivid dreams, sometimes strange, sometimes sexual, but never bothersome. I’ve enjoyed this experience tremendously and am looking forward to continuing.

Celinda Linscott
December 6, 2020

Amazing products


I was skeptical going into this purchase, but decided to give it a shot. I am happy to say it was all well worth it and I will be a long time consumer here! Products so far have all been better than expected!

December 3, 2020

An absolute godsend! Almost immediate relief


An absolute godsend! Almost immediate alleviation of depressive thoughts and a break in the vicious downward thought processes! Absolutely worth every penny; I love that it’s all natural as well!!

Also, noticed a nice increase in out-of-the-box thinking/creativity!

December 2, 2020

Total zen


The chocolate was really great taste good and out me in a total zen headspace

December 13, 2022



I got the ceremonial chocolates for my first ever experience taking mushrooms, and they were delicious. My healing journey was such a beautiful wonderful experience. I did microdosing, with sample packs leading up to taking the chocolates to help taper off a medication, and it went very smoothly. I would recommend the chocolates again and again. And the little stone a got was such a thoughtful bonus, that I kept with me during my journey! Thank you!

Kaitlin B
December 11, 2022

Life changing!!!


I have dealt with chronic pain and anxiety for 10 years. This medicine has been the best “supplement” & medication of the dozens I’ve tried over the years. A lot of chronic pain is rooted in nervous system dysfunction- so the adaptogen blend is my go-to. Helps with focus, anxiety, and pain in a long-term, healing way!

Highly recommended.

December 3, 2022

At long last, relief and healing!


I have been fairly heavily medicated for the past few years for severe depression and PTSD. I am a fire captain, paramedic with 20+ years of built up trauma from the job. I have been seeing a therapist and psychologist for treatment for several years. The medications have done their job, taken the edge off, but there are quite a few, less than desirable side effects. After much research, I decided to give microdosing a try. I have been microdosing for the past two months, and, after experimenting with the different blends, have found my blend and dose. I am proud to say I am no longer on my prescribed medications, I have more energy, no side effects and I feel all around better than I have in years. I highly recommend these products and the mindful strategy they suggest to anyone. I have referred several friends and colleagues to this product line and will continue to do so.

I sincerely want to thank everyone on your team. You really are changing lives.

EJ Hinterman
December 2, 2020

A truly enlightening experience.


My goal is for spiritual growth. I have not used the product except in an environment that is conducive to those ends. In doing so, I have found a new sense of focus, purpose and determination with life overall. A new joy, that is lost in the doldrums everyday life. It is a 4-hour vacation from the stress and problems and has no side effects. It has not solved any problems, but rather, allows for the digestion of problems, issues, and life in a peaceful tone.

December 2, 2020

Nothing To Fear


The experience I had with the Ceremonial Chocolate was everything I hoped it would be…and more. I had watched the Documentary “How To Change Your Mind” and became intrigued with the use of psychedelics for healing and changing people’s lives. I did not experiment with “drugs” as a teenager, or young adult, in the 70’s. Basically, I believed what the media, and the government, wanted us to believe. After watching the documentary, I started reading everything I could about this medicine…then the search to find it. I did not have one particular “healing” that I wanted to happen. I just wanted to “heal my soul”. I did the ceremony with 2 of my sisters, our intent was to heal what needed to be healed, and we followed the SoulCybin recommendations for our Sacred Ceremony. Each of us had a beautiful and meaningful experience. There is nothing to fear and a lot of hope for meaningful changes to your life. I would definitely recommend this experience to anyone and I can’t wait to do it again!

Dolores W
October 27, 2022

2 Year Customer


This place is legit. I have been a customer for over two years now and all of my orders have shipped to me in a timely manner and the medicine is life changing. I started using soulcybin after my brain tumor diagnosis (stage 2 glioma) and I am no longer afraid of my disease. I am on a lot of supplements including several from soulcybin and my tumor has not grown in a year and a half! I am also exercising and eating right, but the medicine even helps me with that. Little obstacles of my mind have been removed and I am grateful for this organization and the services they provide.

October 20, 2022



Thankfully the Universe led me to SoulCybin. I’ve been resistant to decades of medication, various therapy, and my condition have worsened. I was at the point of giving up all hope, I felt defeated. Along with another type of psychedelic therapy treatment, I have been microdosing and the effects have been life-changing. No depression, no anxiety, no suffering. It’s genuinely so profound and I am starting to live a quality life each day. I feel loved and cared about by SoulCybin.
Highly recommend this kind, wonderful, reputable company.

October 16, 2022

Turned My Life Around


I am 35, I have struggled with trauma, depression, anxiety since I was a child. I used drugs and alcohol to cope for years. I just celebrated 3 years of sobriety and I was still having a hard time getting up every day. I have been on so many antidepressants that I have lost count. Since starting the microdosing I have had a complete 180! I feel more grounded and have such a better outlook on life. Getting up in the mornings is no longer a chore, I embrace it. If you’re asking yourself, is this for me? Take this as the sign you were looking for!

Elisha M.
December 2, 2020

I’m definitely on the right track now


I had made the decision to go off my antidepressants and start microdosing. My antidepressants were bad for my liver, and the tests I got back about my liver enzymes were worrisome. Also, my antidepressants were dulling my feelings. I was calm but not really in touch with myself.
SoulCybin’s products, especially the Ceremonial capsules and “Inner Peace” combined with Syrian Rue are helping me get back in touch with that part of myself that I’ve been neglecting. When I use the products I properly set my intention, and I journal and meditate on the issues that are important to me. I’m able to reach parts of myself that I have been shut off from, and I have made strides in my mental health because of it. I don’t feel dulled from my emotions anymore and I found a compassion for myself and my issue is that I was lacking before. I’m very grateful that I found SoulCybin. Good luck to you on your journey and I hope that you too will find your way.

August 28, 2022

Effective and good guidance on how to use it


I was skeptical about whether the ceremonial chocolates would work. I was delighted to find that they were delicious and I had a pleasant, not overwhelming experience. The guide they provide is helpful in preparing for your experience.

August 26, 2022



Soulcybin has my business for the long term. I have found that not only do their products assist in my grounding and meditation practice, but it also helps with my mental health. I feel more alive now, than I ever had in my life.
Thank you for your amazing quality products!

August 13, 2022

Healing Journey


I have been microdosing with Soulcybin products for almost two years now and I cannot even begin to express how much I have benefited from them. They have helped me to work through intense trauma, anxiety, C-PTSD, mood imbalances, and pain held within the body. I have tried all of the products and each leaves me with a desired experience that helps me to shift into a new space and way of being with myself. Cannot recommend this company enough!

August 12, 2022

Happier, More Energetic


I have used the Adaptogen, the Brain Booster, and the Inner Peace versions of this product. I find with all three that I am happier and more carefree. I feel this way with no external stimulus. I also have more interest in my surroundings and better motivation to get the things done that need to be done. I have more interest in people and in life. I definitely felt I have an energy and stamina I haven’t felt in a long time and I am 74 years old. It is important to read the booklet on dosing. Your results will be best if you understand and follow the booklet.

August 9, 2022

Micro dosing


I started micro dosing about a month ago, I feel like a light was turned on in my brain! Better moods, less depression without the side effects of antidepressants! LOVE this new being!

December 2, 2020

Healing and Soul Shifting


I microdosed through June and July – and the experience shifted me. Before microdosing, I would wake up in the mornings and I would be at work at 10am without having any recollection of what I even did in the morning. There was no attention, there was no gratitude, there was just the hustle and bustle to get my job in New York City. I microdosed 250mg and would do it first thing on an empty stomach at 5:30 am. My first 4 hours of the day completely changed. I’d sit outside and meditate at Madison Square Park, I’d write, I started pursuing some of the ideas I’d been holding back for so long, and I’d enjoy conversations and welcome them instead of turning away from people. It’s not a magic pill, but it does allow for the sacred, and it removes some of the mental blocks the individual faces. I highly recommend it. I recommend doing this with meditation, with healthy eating, and with spiritual, mental, and physical practices in mind.

Michael M
August 7, 2022



Microdosing Psilocybin has helped me see and appreciate the shadow self. Negative self talk has vanished as Ive been able to see and feel that is not who I am. Microdosing Psilocybin has made clear, the narrow path. You will more than likely have no other choice but to choose and strive for perfection after your experiences. I am thankful for all involved in bringing this forth.

December 2, 2020



I have a lot of issues with anxiety and the Inner Peace Blend has really helped me. The only way I can describe it is I feel more present and in the moment. It’s a slight change but it really makes a difference. Give it a try, follow the directions, and I think you’ll be surprised.

August 6, 2022

Life changer


For years I have battled anxiety and anger and this has helped relieve some of both it is definitely a life changer and my wife has noticed

December 2, 2020

So much more daily inner peace!


Since incorporating SoulCybin into my life I’ve experience more inner peace and released a lot of judgements or stress, things that used to bother me no longer do. I’m having more in depth and vulnerable conversations, deeper meditations and feel more connected to myself than ever. I’ve experienced quite a bit of healing and more love!

I would highly recommend this to anyone desiring more love, peace, healing and connection to self and spirit!

December 2, 2020

Stepping Into The Soul


It’s been accurately said that each of us is a soul in a body, not a body with a soul. The challenge, of course, is learning to make the shift from the ego mind to the soul mind a part of our daily life, here in a material world so full of obstacles and distractions that lead us astray from the things that most matter in life.

I’ve spent years on the spiritual awakening path and it’s helped me to overcome in so
many ways. Well, until recently, when my wife’s health began to rapidly deteriorate. It hasn’t been so much a question of accepting the inevitable, but how to best care for her, make her comfortable, and how to make the most of the time we do have together.

The answers to these questions were going to take some soul searching and I knew I needed to get the incessantly chattering ego-mind out of the way in order to focus on the quiet wisdom and guidance of the soul.

And that’s where SoulCybin worked its magic! I’d never tried mushrooms before and the fantastic “how to” guide provided on this website helped me set up a quiet space, how set my intention, and offered great tips for fully embracing my healing journey.

I took the recommended dosage, lit a few candles, and laid down waiting for something to happen. I didn’t have to wait long before arriving *home*. My soul and I spent the next few hours together. Soul did the talking, that annoying ego-mind was silent for once, and I just listened.

When what can only be described as a life-changing experience had passed, I left the room feeling peaceful, centered, far better equipped to deal with my wife’s situation, and truly blessed.

This was my first experience with SoulCybin products, but it won’t be my last. I can’t say enough about the wonderful people at SoulCybin, who would best be described as light workers helping to spread light and love in a world so desperately in need of both.

The products they offer are designed to help people heal from a long list of common emotional disorders using a spiritual awakening approach. And that’s precisely what they do!

August 5, 2022



I’ve struggled with depression since i was 14. I’ve never taken an anti depressant that was effective. Within two days of taking Soulcybin 100mg, i slept better, was more calm, settled, easy going and happy. My anxiety has all but disappeared. I do 5 days on, 2 off.
I’m very grateful for this product and hope it’s better known soon.
Thank you from me, my family and the bottom of my heart.

December 2, 2020

Microdosing Psilocybin has changed my


Microdosing Psilocybin has changed my life. I have PTSD and CPTSD and this medicine has helped me breakthrough and heal the subconscious and I am forever grateful for the plants as teachers and all who work to make this available to the people of the earth.

Sarah Elsie, LMT
December 2, 2020

Good for the soul


I have ordered the inner peace 250mg, ceremonial journey, and the chocolates. The inner peace works best for me on a daily dose. I take 1-2capsules depending on how my day is planned and feel so much more in tune with myself, more open and willing to meet my needs and show up for others. It has bonded me to knowing myself and also helped me open up to bond with others. My spirit is in a calmer, quieter state. I have benefitted from this medicine so much that I even ordered them for my mom. I have full trust and feel safe using these products and sharing them with my friends and family.

June 25, 2022

A Transformative Experience


I’ve struggled with chronic depression & anxiety my entire life, so I’ve been taking antidepressants and anxiety medication daily to manage the symptoms for years. Since my body metabolizes medication quickly & builds up a tolerance to it easily, I’d either have to switch medications or up my dose every 6 or so months. As you can imagine, this built up to a pretty high dose of medication that I’d have to take daily to even “function”.

Not only that but because of the type of medication I was on, there were REALLY bad withdrawal symptoms if I didn’t take my medication first thing in the morning. If I missed a dose, it’d take a few days to feel okay again. Which is why I knew there had to be another/more natural way.

I had honestly accepted the fact that I’d rely on medications my entire life to feel “normal”. But after this transformation, I’ve realized I wasn’t even living life fully.

The results have truly been life-changing.

Microdosing not only made it possible to wean off my prescription medications completely by taking away any withdrawal symptoms, but it AWAKENED me.

It wasn’t until microdosing that I realized I hadn’t been FEELING feelings and emotions fully before. (For example, I never felt REALLY happy and I rarely cried). I didn’t notice these things when on my medications because it had been so long so I guess I was just used to it.

Now, I feel SO balanced and centered. Microdosing has awakened my ability to FEEL feelings, process life’s problems with complete clarity, and live a fully present life

I didn’t realize I was living on auto-pilot until I started my microdosing journey. Now, I’m actually LIVING and enjoying life to my core! I can’t recommend this natural medicine enough. It has woke me up and helped me live this beautiful life fully for the first time in my life.

Danielle P
June 23, 2022

Improving my Mental Clarity


I’m a 64-year-old guy who’s constantly tweaking my approach to mental and physical well-being. After learning about the potential benefits of microdosing from multiple sources, and based on a friend’s referral, I ordered the Brain Booster mix just to see if I’d notice anything. In short, I am feeling the change. My mental clarity, ability to recall facts, be more “present”, etc. have definitely improved. It’s subtle at first but it’s happening and I will definitely continue microdosing. Thanks, SoulCybin!

Bill C.
June 20, 2022

The most amazing experience of my life


I have been microdosing for several months and have already testified to the positive changes I have experienced. Recently the ceremonial chocolates became available and I purchased two. I ate one on a beautiful, sunny, dry and breezy Sunday. Before I ate it, I focused on having a positive experience and did 20 minutes of mindfulness breathing, I didn’t read anything about what to expect from a 2.5 mg experience until afterwards so as not to influence what happened.
It was unbelievable. I saw interlocking patterns everywhere I looked, in the sky, bit the grass, in the leaves of the trees. The beautiful geometric patterns slowly removed into animal faces, mostly cats, wolves, and bears. The detail was amazing. I could see each blade of grass as if in hi-def but simultaneously they all blended into the patterns and faces. It was so exhilarating and uplifting.
The only jarring moments were man-made sounds – motorcycles, power yard tools,and the like. But I was able to compartmentalize these away and focus on the pleasing sounds of nature -birds, insects, the wind in the trees. It was profoundly spiritual and unlike anything I have ever experienced before.
My only regret is that I didn’t buy enough chocolates to do this once a month until they are available again! Bless you SoulCybin for providing this wonderful experience to me. I love the sacred medicine and wish everyone could have this experience.

Mike P
June 16, 2022

The teacher was kind and true.


I am glad that I came across this site to safely go on the journey from time to time and reset myself. I bought the sample pack for the ceremonial blend and the 5 pills with total 2.5gms of dosage was the exact dose I was looking for. This wasn’t my first time with a psychedelic, and have done heroic dose in the past, which I personally wouldn’t go on again. The owner was responsive via email and patiently responded to all my questions and concerns. The effects started setting in at the usual 45-60min mark with the peak at about 1.5-2.5 hrs after intake. Overall the journey lasted 5ish hours and left me tingling with new energy.

June 15, 2022

Great product, fast shipment, life changing!


I’ve been using their product regularly for months. With a 50mg dose of the Mental Mastery I’ve stopped needing other mood altering medications almost completely. I highly recommend these guys. They changed my life.

June 14, 2022

Game changer!


I strongly stand behind this product. I have suffered PTSD and anxiety for most of my life due to extreme physical and verbal abuse. I often was kicked out of schools and in trouble with authorities.

Some years ago, I met a wonderful therapist who really helped me and recommended I get on meds. Fast forward a bit and for the last 6 years I’ve been on a combo of SSRI’s that seemed to do the trick by blocking my “ruminations”. Unfortunately the side effects (dizzyness, head ringing) really started to get to me. In addition, after 6 years on SSRI’s the effect started to diminish.

I titrated off of SSRI’s and began micro-dosing. This has a been a game changer for me. Psilocybin doesn’t “block” ruminations like my previous meds did…. However, psilocybin allows me to process and “get through” years old trauma in a way SSRI’s never were able to do for me.

As a result, I’m more calm and happy than I’ve been in years. I really feel like at 49 years young the best is yet to come! Good luck and God speed…

Joseph K.
June 6, 2022

Just what I was looking for


I’ve been suffering from anxiety and depression since my husband passed 9 years ago, I think I’ve been on every depression medication there is. Nothing made much of a difference. For the past few years I’ve heard of micro-dosing and wanted to try it, as I had taken mushrooms recreationally in my younger years and really liked the effect, so when a friend told me about SoulCybin I was excited to try it. The effect has been life-changing for me. I used to have terrible performance anxiety competing with my horse. I am now able to enjoy competing, waking up in the morning, I don’t sweat the small stuff anymore, I’ll be a life-long believer. And I no longer take any depression meds!

June 4, 2022



I started using this medicine just a few months ago and I cannot believe the transformation! It has helped in so many ways including helping with my anxiety and also helping me to cut down on alcohol consumption..

May 31, 2022

Microdosing has opened my mind


Microdosing has opened my mind, slowly over a few months, to what I’d consider exponential levels of learning. This sacred medicine has helped me evolve as a human. I was unsure what I’d get from microdosing. And honestly, I anticipated different results. What I received was much greater than I could have planned. SoulCybin made this sacred medicine available to me and I am forever grateful.

May 21, 2022

Bye Antidepressants!


I am eternally grateful to Soul Cybin! I am completely off of my antidepressants and feel like I’m on my way to finding my “whole” self.

May 21, 2022

Truly amazing.


I have to say that I noticed a difference in my mood after taking it, I have always been an anxious person, and it has been such a pleasant surprise how I feel calm and I can sit down and meditate more and do my breathing meditation. Not procrastinating at all. so grateful for finding Soulcybin. Thank you so so much. Happy soul.

May 17, 2022

Helped me with acceptance


This blend helped me revisit painful memories without getting stuck in negative emotions. This helped me gain a general sense of acceptance towards with past painful experiences.

May 16, 2022

Couldn’t recommend more!


These are great medicines and great people! Couldn’t be happier!

May 15, 2022

Makes a difference


I am an undiagnosed add/adhd/manic/etc. My mind goes a million miles an hour. When I was young it was helpful to be able to never slow down mentally or physically. Now at 44 it is overwhelming to never slow down. This has made me slower. I walk like I’m not in a race. I can have a whole complete thought. I feel a relaxed, slower feeling overall. I think it has helped with my fibromyalgia also. I’m very thankful for your products.

Lanier stich
May 13, 2022

Good and healthy healing


Life-changing micro-dosing. It has created an environment where I can heal mentally, explore myself in a very healthy way, see the world differently, and make important changes. I clearly am giving off a much more loving vibe when out in the world – based on how people are now treating me. My communication has improved as well – deeper understanding and less egoic reactions. More work to do but finally have found a path and therapy that will work for me. As a bonus, it has done wonders for my tinnitus. Wasn’t expecting that at all. I look forward to continuing this journey. Peace!

May 13, 2022

Calm, cool, and collected


I have been microdosing every 3rd day, and rotating between the Inner Peace and Adaptogen blend. I have experienced greater focus, enhanced/elevated mood, and a calm effect where I see the bigger picture, and let the worries fall behind. So it helps my anxiety side and enhances my mental perspective and inner wisdom seems to be more easily accessed. I keep sharing it with friends to try out, and once they order it, they give me back what they borrowed! I appreciate plant medicine that vibrates with our bodies and minds. Thank you Soulcybin!

February 23, 2022

Finally a solution


After so many years of PTSD (retired law enforcement 9/11 and patrol-related), I have tried at least 15 prescriptions for sleep..night terrors…and depression…when I find myself struggling now…I reach for my Soulcybin products…they work fantastic…no crazy tripping..just a deep peace and takes a while to experiment with products and dosage… but I bought the sample packs and then returned for more… I’ve helped a few friends out too..who will be ordering..the orders take a while to come..which tells me everything is fresh…I’d like to thank this company for putting themselves out there with a natural cure to terrible problems. Great service…a fresh great product..and instructions on their products.. Thank you, guys, so much… to anyone out there who is suffering in silence..these people have heard you…Soulcybin is a lifesaver.. thank you so very much.

January 10, 2022

Different uses for different blends!


This is such a good product. First of all, I’m sensitive to the active ingredient so I was very happy to find a product with as low as 25mg to 50mg for true microdosing purposes. Different blends like the Adaptogen blend I’ll take if I’m unable to dose until later in the evening. I find the effects subtle (as they should be!) and relaxing. The Brain Booster blend I’ve actually used on days I needed to study for exams. Again, subtle enough to not interfere with my performance and still make an A on my tests! I’ve been much more sociable and content in general since I started using Soulcybin’s products. Genuinely glad I found them 🙂

November 10, 2021

Spiritual Awakening


I have found that by taking the Inner Peace and the Ceremonial Blend, I have been able to bring out this creative side that was long buried from years of focusing on work and life. It has allowed me to have a greater appreciation for those around me, and a deeper connection with nature as well. These subtleties of life are what make it so special, and it should never be taken for granted. I hope that whoever is called to purchase these ‘proprietary blends’ is able to use them in a way that positively impacts their lives for the better, and not just for partying.

Ryan Myers
November 6, 2021

Anxiety relief


I have been using the Brain Booster 50mg every 4 days. As I am quite sensitive, I am doing a half dose and that is perfect. My anxiety and irritation have lessened. The effect lasts for a few days and my baseline has raised since I started. It is helping in a deep way that GABA and anti-anxiety meds have not touched.

November 5, 2021

Life changing


Microdosing has changed my life for the better. I have had more progress with it than any pharmaceutical drug or SSRI. Everyone needs to try and experience how amazing you can feel and start the healing process

November 4, 2021

Great Company good service good product


Thank you Soul Cybin for your excellent product and great customer service. I have placed 3 orders and all have come in a timely fashion.

November 3, 2021

Balance in a Storm


I have been using SoulCybins products for over a year now. It has reduced my anxiety and helps to remind my body and soul what it should feel like to be present and connected to all that there is on this amazing planet.

November 3, 2021

New perspective


Good bye brain fog, good bye depression, good bye low energy!! I started taking brain booster 50mg about a month ago, and I don’t know how I’ve made it this long without it!! For all of those on the fence about microdosing, do yourself a favor and try out the samples at least. Thank yourself later.

Dawnee Cochran
October 27, 2021

Great product!


Overall I am feeling great after my first month of micro-dosing with soulcybin! Some of the benefits I am enjoying are a feeling of peace and contentment with my life, calmer when dealing with the daily hurdles of life, and a clearer head in general. I would recommend this product to anyone and everyone.

Jason Williams
October 26, 2021

Days feel lighter


I have been struggling with anxiety and depression since childhood, and these Inner Peace capsules have helped me more than any prescription drug I’ve been on. Colors are brighter, days feel lighter, and work isn’t so bad anymore. I feel more motivated and optimistic. The changes I have felt are remarkable. Definitely a repeat customer!

October 25, 2021

These have changed my life!


These have changed my life. I’ve struggled with anxiety and ADHD my entire life. The last few years have been unbearable, but since I’ve started with mental mastery my ADHD symptoms have decreased significantly, anxiety and panic attacks have basically disappeared and I’ve been able to live life. It’s been truly amazing!

October 24, 2021

Life changing!!


Since I started microdosing, I’ve noticed a significant decrease in anxiety and depression. I haven’t had any episodes since, and things that would typically trigger anxiety for me, affect me much less. I have noticed an increase in my quality of life, I have mentally been able to function much better, and my social life has improved. I am very thankful that this product is available to me, and I only wish I could have found it sooner!

October 23, 2021



Since starting to use Soulcybin’s micro-dosing formulas I feel like myself again. I am able to live without anxiety and depression being a roadblock. I hated the thought of taking prescription meds with known side effects. I feel much better putting something natural into my body. I am very thankful for this company and will continue to purchase from them.

October 23, 2021

Front-Line caregiver Relief


Micro Dosing provided the much-needed relief I needed in dealing with PTSD from being a front-line caregiver in an ICU during the pandemic combined with my peri-menopausal mood swings. Relief was immediate! I’m sleeping and coping much better. I now have far more good days than bad days. I have more mental energy left to do the things I enjoy and be fully present. I thank you. My family thanks you. My patients thank you.

October 22, 2021

Laser Focus


I ran across Soul Cybin as a company by chance. I’ve been hearing about microdosing to help with a number of different areas of life. I have never been one to reach for Rx meds to help me- so instead dove deep into finding more about Soul Cybin as a company and how microdosing can help me in my life. A lot of my colleagues take Adderall to help them focus – essentially legal meth. NOT my cup of tea. I ordered Brain Booster with little expectations. I found myself able to do more easily focus (my job requires a lot of multitasking and my brain sometimes gets confused), able to hone in on what’s important as well as sit for long periods of time with intense focus. Nonetheless – I ordered another bottle and can’t wait to see how it can help me in my professional life.

Thank you for being a great company that not only seeks to share its product but also educates.

That’s a win-win for me!

Nicole M
October 14, 2021

Soulcybin Team is bold, courageous and caring


They just blew me away with their service and customer interaction. I’m an emotions teacher and began including this option in my work – as I see microdosing as a “next level” tool to help people who may be having a challenge in breaking out of their incessant thoughts and dissociation.

It’s admirable that the Soulcybin Team has navigated the perils of offering this vital medicine. They proved their integrity and perseverance to me earlier this year when I did not receive my order in a timely manner. I know they were being “pulled through a knothole” on so many fronts, but they respectfully kept me in the loop letting me know where my order was in the pipeline as it was being processed. Whenever I contact them I know I will hear back in good time. All of this is remarkable service in the face of challenging circumstances.

My students and clients really like their product line. If you’re new to this, I advise purchasing some 50mg and 100mg bottles, which will allow you to titrate up as you experiment with the dosages to find your “sweet spot”.

For those just beginning to embark on this journey, a good reminder is to start low and go slow to respect your body, mind and Soul. But simply by embracing this medicine you are already communicating to your subconscious that you are longing to gain control of your Inner world to live a better life … and that’s part of the magic!

Becca Williams
October 8, 2021

Life changing!


I am a believer in the power of this medicine. All my experiences as a teenager left me feeling each time as If I had gone on a journey and brought something back with me. Never before has it been made available to me like this. Now I can continue to have this experience and slow down from the daily grind that’s killing my soul and the assault on my inner peace. I tried the Ceremonial blend up in the mountains alone and had a peaceful smile on my face the whole time. Today I am trying the “Inner peace” blend which is lower key for daily supplementation (with breaks). After The Ceremonial blend, I immediately decided to share this with my boyfriend, sister, and mom. I really feel like you gain an appreciation for the world in a way you just can’t when you’re so caught up in what doesn’t matter. I felt love up there on the mountain. thank you. thank you so much for making this available to us.

October 2, 2021

Just 2 bottles


I started with a sample of inner peace which caught my attention I then ordered a bottle of the focus and ceremonial blend and I couldnt have been more pleased with the experience! The focus was an amazing coffee substitute (for the most part) gave me a nice little awakening and kept me a little sharper all day mentally. The ceremonial blend was a great dosage to help get into a deep meditative state and wash over you with a real constructive mental outlook on the things I would be focusing on during these sessions! I would come away with the nice after glow affect and would carry the positive vibes for a few days afterwards. I’m looking forward to another order soon!

Trevor Sly
December 2, 2020

Life changer


I have always been anxious and angry since starting taking inner peace I have found my peace and it’s amazing my wife has noticed the change that has given me

December 2, 2020

Great Stuff!!


Microdosing has improved my quality of life tremendously. I’ve started walking again and my mood is so much better. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to better their life!

December 2, 2020

Happy microdosing


I am honored to be able to be a part of this amazing journey with these sacred plant medicines and I now am a person who was able to throw away my pharmaceutical medication in order to get actual mental and spiritual help through the experience of using psilocybin and the Syrian Rue ! I now am able to talk to my mom and have real loving eye contact ! I can now enjoy this beautiful life in a way I never thought possible !!! Please be open minded and love yourself enough to try real medicines that can help you in the long run of life !! Love yourself and much love from me to you as a prior machine gunners in the United States Marine Corps and now a Marine for the winning side with the help of such an amazing medicine ! Much love Aaron Thorne !

Aaron Thorne
December 2, 2020

Fortune 500


This product has so much benefit not only mentally, spiritually and emotionally. I would without a doubt say I can’t get enough of it. One hundred percent feel if this company continued what I have experienced so far they can change the world! I will keep coming back and want to thank you for opening my soul.

December 2, 2020

Very good


I ordered the 50mg, 100mg and 150mg. It has helped with anxiety, it helps get deep in to meditation and overall a great product. It’s been a very positive subtle feeling. Recommend to others.

December 2, 2020

Amazing Results


Started microdosing for anxiety /depression however, I had no idea there would be such profound changes in so many other areas. I have a renewed outlook and joy! Highly recommend.

Tonya SS
December 2, 2020

Great Product


I’ve been getting Brain Booster and Inner Peace supplements from SoulCybin for a few months now. I love their product . Microsdosing has really helped me with depression, motivation and energy. I have turned several friends onto it. And, SoulCybin is a reliable source for those who have a hard time finding a place to get a high quality and safe product.

debra johnson
December 2, 2020

Changed my life


My only regret is that I have not known about this healing medicine before now. I’m almost 60 yrs old, had PTSD & anxiety all my life. Microdosing has helped me balance myself enough to get past many old traumas and lead a more peaceful life. So grateful! Mindlifetherapy is a company with a heart & soul; prices are more than reasonable, and the healing that is offered is priceless.

Mimi For Life
December 2, 2020

Life changing!


Ever since I started taking soulcybin I have expanded my thinking like never before!

Nicholas m
December 2, 2020

Treatment-resistant Major Depression sent packing!


I have struggled with chronic, treatment-resistant Major Depression and complex childhood PTSD for over 40 years. I am happy to report that I have a new weapon in my arsenal for fighting the black fog. I do many things to manage my condition: psychotherapy, medications, whole-food plant-based diet, exercise, SAD light, ketamine infusions, meditation and prayer. I am having WONDERFUL results with the Brain Booster, Ceremonial Blend, Adaptogen Blend and Inner Peace. My state of mind is better than it has been for over 29 years.
I thank God every day for the existence of this company and the medicine they provide at an affordable price. That sounds cheesy, but it is exactly how I feel. Thank you, MindLifeTherapy!

December 2, 2020

Microdosing = peace = happiness


I started my microdosing about a month and a half ago and I have had the most incredible experiences in this life! My thoughts are easy on my soul, my eyes are open wider then ever and my heart is so clear I could probley make you a glass house 😍 I tell ya one soul to another please just try the low dose change your feeling, once we change our FEELERS🤪 we change our mind. This will make you not only have thoughts that you can understand and process and the world , nature has a whole new meaning. If your thoughts are should I try this, your answer is yes🥰 life changing and life saving! The Journey blend….. off the hook in love guys thank you love you all sooooo much and again thank you for your prayers your energy and your measures😍😍😍😍

December 2, 2020

Anxiety, stress and amphetamine recovery


I have been using Soulcybin for about a month. I also ordered the ceremonial blend.
I am 36 years old and was first diagnosed with PTSD, anxiety and depression at 14. I’m also recovering from a prescription diet bill addiction that compromised my central nervous system and may have led to musculoskeletal damage. I’m miserable and in pain for years. I’ve taken every prescription anti depressant out there. All i ever felt was that my personality was being dulled over time.
Just in this short time I’ve been taking this, I’m convinced if it’s magic. I have an open, excited attitude towards life, i have more energy, I’m relaxed and just overall happier. I sleep and wake easily. I’m just shining again.
I’m incredibly grateful for this product and i plan to be a forever client with these results.
My friends and family are already commenting on the change. Thank you.
I have not been paid or coerced to write this. It has really helped me. I am a real person.

Jennifer Campbell
December 2, 2020

A permanent fan


I’ve went through 2 bottles now 1 ceremonial blend and 1 focus and I couldnt have had a better experience!! The focus blend all but replaced caffeine for me for over a month and kept me positive and sharp all day. The ceremonial blend was a fantastic experience putting me into a very comfortably deep meditative reflective state of mind that seemed to give me an after glow for a couple of days after!! I’m so excited that I found this site and am planning another order soon!!!

Trevor Sly
November 24, 2020



Microdosing has been a game changer in my battle with PTSD and depression. I take one tablet for two days straight then take 2 days off. Now I just bebop through the day with almost zero chips on my shoulders. The mental pain is still there, but im able to quickly let it go. Microdoseing may of saved my marriage and me. Thank you!

November 24, 2020
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Outstanding Customer Support and Fast Product Delivery The SoulCybin team exceeded my expectations with the way they handled my order. I explained in the order notes that my need for product to enable me to continue my microdosing schedule was very important, that I was nearly out, and they caringly responded by sending my order out within that week. Incredible turn around time and it clearly demonstrates their outstanding customer service . . . they read the requests from their customers. So rare and valuable! Briefly, why I microdose: while working for more than 10 years for one of the big tech companies in the Pacific NW, I experienced major burnout. The stresses of the job, the frequent re-organization of teams and constant worry about being laid off added up thru the years and before I knew it I had slipped into depression. Exercise, eating right, and even meditation was not helping me. I tried psychologists and psychiatrists who put me on big pharma anti-depressant drugs, but none of that worked. I kept getting worse and was at risk of losing my job, marriage and family, who didn’t understand why I was: unhappy, quick to get angry, and disconnected from them nearly all the time. I decided I needed help, so I reached out and worked with two different Coaches (both trained and licensed in my state), they guided me toward microdosing and it has completed changed my life and outlook. I am happy again. I see that I have a positive future with many opportunities. I’m back to having the brain clarity, energy and enthusiasm for life that I had back in my 20’s. I have gained back the Entrepreneurial drive that I’d lost, and my relationship with wife and children is back to being great again! Then, it was just a matter of finding a professional supplier that I could trust. SoulCybin has proven to me that I can trust them.
Sarah H
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Migraine Treatment I have been using products of this nature for a little while now. The difference microdosing has made for me is astronomical. I was depressed and having terrible thoughts because of the number of cluster headaches and migraines I suffered on a weekly basis- sometimes 3-4 days in a row without a break. I cannot honestly say I remember the last time I had a true migraine or one that lasted more than twenty minutes of just minor symptoms. Perhaps 3 times total in the last 3 months if even that. I am a believer! I spent two years on multiple medications with many health risks trying to fight migraines- this worked for me almost instantly. Within weeks I knew something amazing had happened. Thank you, SoulCybin!!
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Real Deal! I am happy to report that the products I have received through SoulCybin are as advertised and have enabled for me a long-overdue healing journey. I am grateful to this company for taking such care with my orders. Delivery was timely and accurate, except for one minor instance that they corrected right away once I brought it to their attention. It is obvious that the staff at SoulCybin care about their clients. I am very happy to count myself among those.
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Being my first experience with Being my first experience with psilocybin, I only had the personal reviews of others to guide my expectations. The collective input was consistently positive and felt genuine, and so I was drawn to explore microdosing as an expediency for my contemplation practice. Trusting an unknown online supplier was also a risk in this process. I researched online as best I could and SoulCybin was one of the very few resources floating at the top after my safety screen. I started by using the microdosing sampler packets, focusing the first month on the Inner Peace tabs. I also experimented several times by adding the boosting effects of the Syrian Rue Amplifier. The protocol was the basic 1 tab every other day for 30 days, followed by at least a 2 week break before restarting. I ingested the tab(s) on an empty stomach in the mornings just before breakfast. Without question, and even after just 1 month of experiential assessment, the microdosing has not only helped to deepen my intentional inner work (especially when boosted), it appears to have also help loosen the previously tight grip of my “default mode network” – a sweet, freeing blessing on its own! The assessment was relatively easy for me as I was critically comparing subjective effects versus trends already established from my contemplation practice (the control). Recording even the smallest noticeable effects in a log book has proven helpful establishing these trends over time. As an example, a brief, mild stomach upset was only noticed whenever I added the Syrian Rue Amplifier on top of the Inner Peace tab. I have found this supplier, SoulCybin, very responsible and responsive concerning product quality, service, and guidance. Although it could take a few weeks to receive certain products, it’s become understandable to me now since I truly believe they infuse loving intentionality as an active ingredient in each offering. As any true teacher or witness will affirm, these products are only tools in service of your intentions, not magic. And now I can add my new voice to the ever-growing testimony that true inner peace can indeed evolve and merge with growing responsibility and profound gratitude. This is not the stuff of mere logic, it’s experiential. Whether or not you are likewise drawn to these products as a tool of expediency, blessings to you for even considering as it clearly indicates you are already on the path of love, which is freedom.
Elizabeth Kafka
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Found my center I never knew that there was such a big hole in my being. I felt the way I always had, not depressed, but never exactly happy. But when I microdosed I became aware that I had never been quite whole, and what a difference! You don’t know what you don’t know, and until you feel the wholeness of your being, you don’t know what things could be like.
Vella Stephens
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Magic! I was very skeptic how I would respond to micro-dosing, but I am so happy I took the chance. I have found this medicine gives me mental stamina and supports my current work in therapy. Not only am I responding better (calmer and more grounded) to situations but also I am able to mentally process emotions with less turmoil. Thank you very much for this magic.
Dana H.
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Deep Gratitude I ordered the ceremonial chocolates with the intent of having them for my first macro journey. Hubby spent the day with me as the chocolates took effect. They were beautifully packaged, and you can tell a lot of love went into them. During my journey, I kept feeling deep gratitude for access to this medicine. Hoping to order them once offered again.
John Doe
John Doe@username
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Andrea M
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Amazing Chocolates The sacred chocolates were amazing. My husband and I were very blessed and grateful to have purchased these chocolates. We had a great ceremonial experience with these sacred plant medicine chocolates. I can’t wait for you all to create more. I really wish these could be readily available to purchase on your site with your other sacred products. We love, love, love those chocolates.
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Safe, Fast, Great Communication, and Amazing Product I was skeptical of zelling money to an online web page, so I bought the smallest sample pack. Email communication was outstanding. Product came as described. I am a newbie trying to cut back on my drinking. All I can say is try them all, they are worth every penny. The different strengths provide different results, so read their recommendations. These will be going in my friend’s stocking for Christmas! Bring on the giggles!!
Jessica Wyant
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Feeling better every day! My focus & mental clarity has definitely improved with using the Brain Booster blend, but most importantly I’ve noticed a huge difference in my daily mood. I am so much calmer and able to manage stress better than before. I feel like I’m able to handle things that would normally cause me anxiety or distress with ease and composure. I’m thankful for the patience and serenity that this medicine has helped me to harness in my life.
Denise douglas
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A return to peace As my journey with mushrooms rather than pharmaceuticals has begun I am experiencing more awareness and clarity. I am grateful and encouraged by the power and effectiveness of this medicine.
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Blessed SoulCybin has given me great customer service, caring messages, and quality products. The teamed reached out to me when I really needed blessings on my healing journey. I will recommend it to a friend. I am truly grateful and blessed for a new day.
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Life Changing! My wife and I began using the Inner Peace and Adaptogen blends a couple of months and the results have been life changing. I’m a much more balanced and happy person and my frequent mood swings have all but disappeared. Highly recommend!
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Amazing Experience! The ceremonial chocolate was both mind expanding and healing for me it has helped me to be able to connect more with my family, helped me with work, the use of different mushrooms was very welcoming, it was as if each one was opening my mind in very different ways! I can not express enough how much it has helped me with my severe social anxiety and depression! I absolutely can’t wait for them to be released again!!