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Psilocybin FAQ

What is psilocybin?

Psilocybin is a psychedelic compound which is produced by over 200 species of mushrooms, known as “shrooms” or “magic mushrooms”. Various indigenous peoples in Mesoamerica have consumed the mushrooms in highly sacred ceremonial contexts. The consuming of psilocybin mushrooms by humans is estimated to predate recorded history.

While various institutions in western society consider them to be harmful recreational drugs, more and more scientific studies prove otherwise. Psilocybin mushrooms have been scientifically proven to help treat depression, anxiety, PTSD, obsessive-compulsive disorders, addictions, cluster headaches and more.

What is microdosing?

Microdosing involves consuming small amounts of a psychedelic substance such as LSD or Psilocybin mushrooms. The dosages taken are so small that no hallucinations or impairments occur.

Between 1/20th to 1/10th of a regular psychoactive dose would be considered a microdose. When it comes to psilocybin mushrooms, this implies between 50mg and 250mg. Microdosing is often consistently practiced over a longer time period.

To avoid the buildup of tolerance, it’s recommended to follow a schedule with on-days and off-days, rather than taking a microdose every day. The effects are subtle but profound. Many individuals report receiving various physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health benefits.

What are the effects of psilocybin microdosing?

The effects vary depending on each individual. The following could be experienced:

Increased happiness

Increased joy

Increased creativity

Increased motivation

Increased optimism

Increased confidence

Increased emotional stability

Increased relaxation

Increased feelings of gratitude

Increased presence

Increased energy

Increased productivity

Increased focus

Increased athletic abilities

Decreased stress

Decreased depression

Decreased anxiety

Decreased addictive tendencies

Decreased negative thought forms

Click here to watch a video about how psilocybin affects the brain.

What are the benefits of psilocybin microdosing?

Psilocybin microdosing can be immensely beneficial for people dealing with depression and/or anxiety.

It can uplift one’s mood and help break through repetitive, negative thought patterns.

It can help with feeling more confident, more accepting and more at peace inside.

Psilocybin can help us to connect deeper to our emotions and help unlock and heal past traumas.

Fears and social anxiety are often reported to be diminished. Many report feeling more grateful, inspired and motivated for life.

An increased sense of aliveness, a stronger connection to one’s heart and inner truth.

Psilocybin microdosing can also greatly benefit those who are seeking to function at higher levels, whether in their creative endeavors, sports or business. It can greatly increase our creativity and productivity levels. New inspiration, ideas and concepts can flow through.

Psilocybin can greatly help us to become more conscious and present within the moment.

Here’s a more concise list of possible benefits that you may experience:

Uplifted Mood: A stronger feeling of peace, calmness, confidence, contentment and happiness inside.
Symptoms of anxiety and depression are often reduced.

Increased Focus: Deeper present moment awareness and mental clarity.
Thought patterns become more creative and focused.

Increased Creativity: Feeling a stronger pull towards creative endeavors.
Ideas and inspiration flow through more easily. Increased curiosity and eagerness to learn new things.

Increased Confidence: Feeling more loving towards oneself. More motivated, inspired and empowered.

Increased Energy: Being more productive with tasks. Stronger mental clarity.

Increased Sociability: Feeling more connected and understanding towards other people.

Increased Physical Strength: Feeling sharper, more focused and energized while practicing sports or working out.

How do I start microdosing?

There are several ways to approach scheduling your microdoses. We suggest two methods for our blends:

Method 1 – Take one capsule daily for 5 days and 2 days off.

Method 2 – Take one capsule every other day.

Also, two popular schedules were developed by big names in the Magic Mushroom Microdosing world, James Fadiman and Paul Stamets.


James Fadiman is referred to as the father of modern day microdosing. He is at the forefront of the movement and has collected thousands of anecdotal reports from people all over the world. He has been active in pushing
for more scientific research into the benefits of microdosing.

His microdosing system was designed so you can do your own 30-day Microdose Self Study. Which is also what he recommends to volunteers who want to contribute to his research and collection of anecdotal evidence.

According to Fadiman, you take your microdose one day, and skip the next two days. Repeat this cycle for 30 days then take a minimum of 2 weeks rest to reset your system.

After your rest period, some people will begin another cycle of microdosing.
According to Fadiman, after 10 cycles, many people decide they no longer need to microdose on a regular basis and only take it when they feel it would be beneficial. For the Fadiman Protocol, we recommend our Inner Peace or Adaptogen Blends.


Paul Stamets is a leading expert in mycology who not only promotes the benefits of microdosing, but also strives to preserve heritage strains of mushrooms and fungi from old growth forests.

Microdosing according to the Stamets Stack method puts you on a schedule of five days on and 2 days off. Stamets recommends microdosing on a combination of psilocybin with Lion’s Mane (a non-psychedelic
mushroom) and niacin (vitamin B3).

Lion’s Mane mushroom is known to be a nootropic – it enhances cognitive function.

This microdosing schedule was designed for a 154 pound person. Leaning towards the higher doses for heavier people is probably most beneficial, but not before trying a smaller dose first.
1 – 10 mg psilocybin / psilocin (psilocybe mushroom @ 1% = .1 – 1 g)
500 – 200 mg lion’s mane mushroom extract (@ 1% = 5 – 20 g)
101 – 200 mg niacin

The protocol calls for taking this stack 5 days in a row and then 2 days off.

By following the Stamets Stack for microdosing, you are more likely to build a tolerance for psilocybin, however, the aim of this stack is for epigenetic neurogenesis. Stamets created this protocol primarily to repair, rebuild, and enhance creativity and cognitive function.

Our Brain Booster Blend is perfect for the Stamets

Are there interactions with psilocybin?

Psilocybin is a potent serotonin agonist, so it’s better to avoid if you’re taking any medications which alter the serotonin system such as SSRI antidepressants.

Psilocybin should not be mixed with pain medications such as Tramadol which can lead to serotonin syndrome.

Please do not mix psilocybin with amphetamines or recreational drugs.

Psilocybin could possibly increase the effects of cannabis.

When you’re in doubt about safety and interactions with a medication that you’re taking, please consult your doctor first.

James Fadiman shares an important precaution about microdosing:

“We specifically do not recommend that people with colorblindness, who live with diagnoses of psychotic disorders or along the autism spectrum try microdosing. People with colorblindness report lasting visual distortions from microdosing. Literature suggests people with psychotic disorders may be harmed by psychedelics. In our experience, people with diagnoses along the autism spectrum seem to require dosages that far exceed what is traditionally considered microdosing.”

Setting your intention

When using Psilocybin mushrooms, it’s incredibly valuable to have one or more intentions. This sets the tone and creates the right framework for you to receive what you’re looking for. It could be to help release processed emotions, for example, or to connect deeper with nature. Perhaps you’d like to gain more creative insights for a project that you’re working on. Or perhaps you’d like to improve your relationships.

Before you take the capsule, we recommend taking a short moment of silence and prayer to ask for what you’re hoping to receive. This creates a sacred container for the conscious use of this incredibly beautiful medicine.